Music Industry Culture Creation – Alan Watt Thomas Sheridan

Music Industry Culture Creation

The music industry is nothing like what is imagined (and pretended to) by the public.

Alan Watt and Thomas Sheridan are both authors and researchers who have explored the topics of culture, psychology, and the media industry, including the music industry. While their views may vary, they have both touched upon the influence of the media, including music, on culture and society. Here’s a brief overview of their perspectives:

1. Alan Watt: Alan Watt was a researcher and author known for his work on the influence of media, advertising, and culture on human behavior and consciousness. He often discussed the role of mass media, including music, in shaping public opinion, attitudes, and values. Watt’s views included the idea that the music industry, like other forms of media, is used as a tool for social engineering and controlling the masses. He believed that certain messages, symbols, and themes promoted in music and entertainment were designed to manipulate and influence people’s beliefs and behaviors.

2. Thomas Sheridan: Thomas Sheridan is an author, artist, and researcher who has explored topics related to psychology, psychopathy, and cultural manipulation. Sheridan has discussed the influence of the media, including the music industry, on individual and collective consciousness. He has examined how the entertainment industry, through music, film, and other media, can shape perceptions, beliefs, and cultural norms. Sheridan has also explored the role of symbolism, mythology, and archetypes in media and popular culture, suggesting that these elements are used to convey deeper messages and agendas.

Both Alan Watt and Thomas Sheridan have raised critical questions about the influence of the music industry and popular culture on society, highlighting the potential for manipulation, indoctrination, and social control. While their perspectives may be controversial and speculative, they have contributed to broader discussions about media literacy, critical thinking, and the power dynamics inherent in mass media and cultural production. As with any analysis of complex social phenomena, it’s important to approach their work with a critical and discerning mindset, considering multiple perspectives and sources of information.

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