Peter Levenda on Secrets of Aleister Crowley

Peter Levenda on Secrets of Aleister Crowley

Crowley said that ‘artists would be the first persons to be in contact with this or these beings or forces’.

Aleister Crowley, a controversial figure in the realm of occultism and mysticism, is often associated with various secrets and esoteric practices. Throughout his life, Crowley wrote extensively about his beliefs, rituals, and experiences, which have contributed to the mystique surrounding him. Some of the “secrets” associated with Crowley include:

1. Thelema: Crowley’s philosophical and religious system, known as Thelema, is based on the central tenet, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” Thelema emphasizes individualism, self-discovery, and the pursuit of one’s true will or purpose in life. Crowley claimed to have received the principles of Thelema through a series of mystical revelations from a spiritual entity known as Aiwass.

2. Magick: Crowley popularized the term “magick” (spelled with a “k” to distinguish it from stage magic) to refer to the practice of causing change to occur in conformity with one’s will. He developed elaborate rituals and ceremonial practices, such as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Greater Ritual of the Hexagram, as methods for achieving spiritual enlightenment and personal transformation.

3. The Book of the Law: Crowley’s most famous work, The Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis), is considered the central scripture of Thelema. According to Crowley, The Book of the Law was dictated to him by Aiwass in 1904 during a period of trance-like communication in Cairo, Egypt. The text contains cryptic verses and prophetic statements that have been interpreted in various ways by Thelemites and scholars alike.

4. Secret Societies: Crowley was associated with several secret societies and esoteric orders throughout his life, including the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), and the A∴A∴. These organizations practiced rituals, initiations, and teachings aimed at spiritual development and enlightenment. Crowley’s involvement in these groups, as well as his leadership roles within them, has led to speculation about hidden knowledge and occult practices.

5. Sex Magick: Crowley’s writings often explored the use of sexuality as a potent force for spiritual transformation and magical practice. He advocated for practices such as sex magick, which involves harnessing sexual energy to achieve altered states of consciousness and magical results. Crowley’s exploration of sex magick and his libertine lifestyle contributed to his reputation as a controversial and scandalous figure.

It’s important to approach the study of Aleister Crowley and his teachings with a critical and discerning mind. While his ideas and practices have inspired many followers and scholars, they have also generated controversy and criticism. Crowley’s legacy continues to fascinate and intrigue individuals interested in the occult, mysticism, and alternative spirituality.

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