The Music Military Gov Complex

Speaking during a magazine interview in 1971 and not long after he and his band The Rolling Stones parted ways with ‘Decca,’ the music-label/company that had launched their hit recording career, Keith Richards said, “we found out, and it wasn’t years till we did, that all the bread we made for Decca was going into … Read more

“Music will get worse” – mind control thru music scale

Abstract “Pornography, violence and obscenity on TV and in movies will be deliberately increased. People will be desensitized to violence and porn and made to feel life is short, precarious and brutish. Music will be used for indoctrination and ‘will get worse.’”   Content listen from 7:00 in paraphrased — Emperor would not check writings … Read more

Emancipate Yourself From Mental Slavery — Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own; Marketing, Movies and Music – Neil Sanders

During the interview, Neil talks about the corrosive and hypnotic effects of TV and how our identities and perceptions of life have been moulded by the advertising industry. He also discusses Hollywood movie propaganda, the victimisation of famous entertainers who’ve spoken out against The Establishment, MK’ed celebs, manufactured Pop acts, music as a form of … Read more