Rhythm most important in getting motor system engaged – MRI – Dr. Jessica Grahn talks about music and the brain

“…skip to the end say from about 5 minutes in for the scan data – seems that rhythm is way stickier than actual notes and melody when it comes to firing up the motor cortex – which has implications on lots of things…” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5hvuDxcegE     Dr. Jessica Grahn, a cognitive neuroscientist specializing in the … Read more

Music as a Language: Victor Wooten

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zvjW9arAZ0     Victor Wooten, a renowned bassist and music educator, eloquently advocates for viewing music as a language. This perspective is central to his teaching philosophy and is engagingly explored in his book, “The Music Lesson: A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music.” Through this lens, Wooten offers insights into the learning and teaching … Read more

“Music will get worse” – mind control thru music scale

Abstract “Pornography, violence and obscenity on TV and in movies will be deliberately increased. People will be desensitized to violence and porn and made to feel life is short, precarious and brutish. Music will be used for indoctrination and ‘will get worse.’”   Content listen from 7:00 in paraphrased — Emperor would not check writings … Read more

Psychophysiological reactions to music in male coronary patients and healthy controls

Abstract   “The study supports the following conclusions: (1) music-listening produces significant decreases in the blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic) and heart rate of coronary patients but has no significant effect in healthy controls; (2) music-listening reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, enhances life satisfaction, optimism and hope, and makes life more meaningful in both … Read more

Musical rhythm spectra from Bach to Joplin obey a 1/f power law

Much of our enjoyment of music comes from its balance of predictability and surprise. Musical pitch fluctuations follow a 1/f power law that precisely achieves this balance. Musical rhythms, especially those of Western classical music, are considered highly regular and predictable, and this predictability has been hypothesized to underlie rhythm’s contribution to our enjoyment of … Read more

Superior time perception for lower musical pitch explains why bass-ranged instruments lay down musical rhythms


Michael J. Hove, Céline Marie, Ian C. Bruce, and Laurel J. Trainor PNAS 2014 ; published ahead of print June 30, 2014, http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/06/25/1402039111.full.pdf+html   The statement you provided suggests that there may be a relationship between the perception of time and musical pitch, particularly in the context of rhythm perception and bass-ranged instruments. Here’s an … Read more

The Sounds of the Universe – Professor Carolin Crawford

In space no-one can hear you scream… but it is still a noisy Universe. We are familiar with the many stunning images of space, but these are only part of the whole human experience. This lecture takes a new approach to appreciating the Universe, through the vehicle of sound. Once we understand how sound is … Read more

Jojo Mayer – Exploring the distance between 0 and 1

Jojo Mayer gives brief synopsis on the emergence of rhythm culture and its relationship to technology and communication in the western world. In regards to this, he shares his thoughts on interacting with digital culture and cross examines… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KExLCJAuTXA   Jojo Mayer, a renowned drummer and music educator, has often discussed the emergence of rhythm … Read more