Why Does Music Only Use 12 Different Notes?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvmzgVtZtUQ       Music theory in Western music is based on the concept of the chromatic scale, which consists of 12 different pitches. This system is known as equal temperament tuning and it divides the octave (the interval between one musical pitch and another with double its frequency) into 12 equal parts. Each of … Read more

TOP 10 SONIC TORTURE SONGS FROM GITMO — Psychosonic Drugs – Psychosonic Attacks – Weaponizing Lady GaGa (or any artist / MP3)

You’ll learn how different mental states can be created using frequencies that interact with the brain, how the military is using this attack vector, how Vegas uses these same techniques on customers, which open source software creates these frequency generated psychic states and sites so you can continue your adventures in psychosonics. Multiple new attacks … Read more

The Symbolic Nature of Language – Olav Torheim, Red Ice

Olav Torheim is a Norwegian engineer and editor of Målmannen, a journal focusing on language, culture and politics. Torheim has a PhD in Physics and worked at different research institutions in France and Germany before returning to Norway two years ago. Using Målmannen as a platform, he tries to promote a traditional Nordic and European … Read more

Musical intervals and relative pitch: Frequency resolution, not interval resolution, is special


Abstract Pitch intervals are central to most musical systems, which utilize pitch at the expense of other acoustic dimensions. It seemed plausible that pitch might uniquely permit precise perception of the interval separating two sounds, as this could help explain its importance in music. To explore this notion, a simple discrimination task was used to … Read more

Rhythm most important in getting motor system engaged – MRI – Dr. Jessica Grahn talks about music and the brain

“…skip to the end say from about 5 minutes in for the scan data – seems that rhythm is way stickier than actual notes and melody when it comes to firing up the motor cortex – which has implications on lots of things…” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5hvuDxcegE     Dr. Jessica Grahn, a cognitive neuroscientist specializing in the … Read more

Auditory streaming and the building of timbre – Steven Pinker

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Harmonies and Melodies, assigning source, deciding musicality, based on timbre. https://www.academia.edu/661171/Auditory_streaming_and_the_building_of_timbre   Auditory streaming, a concept explored in the field of psychology and neuroscience, refers to the brain’s ability to separate and organize complex auditory information into distinct perceptual streams or channels. This phenomenon allows us to perceive and make sense of the various components … Read more