Most Entitled 18 year-old – It’s getting worse isn’t it

Most Entitled 18 year-old – It’s getting worse isn’t it

Like a wild hyena.

This girl doesnt stand a chance in life.

As an adult, if you find yourself in the hospital, with a helmet on your head with a spit mask on your face, while being tied up like a wild animal crying and screaming for your social worker, it’s time to rethink all of your life decisions.

That poor girl has had a rough start at life. Some people should not have kids.

This girl is not on drugs. She is legitimately nuts. Mental hospital.

Turning 18 in America’s foster care system is a ticket to hell. Add the emotional trauma of a messed up childhood and homelessness, and here you go. I feel horrible for this girl. She doesn’t act like an adult, because she never had a childhood.

This one actually made me very sad. This girl is obviously very disturbed and I would guess has been through a lot of trauma.

if you end up hog tied with a helmet on in a police car you really need to reflect on how you might be sabotaging your own life. Bravo to the polite, patient officer.

For those who don’t seem to understand the whole case worker thing…this girl was in foster care/an orphanage basically, she turned 18 and couldn’t figure out where to go. It happens ALOT to the kids who never get adopted who then turn 18. They’re often left to their own demise with that last check that they receive, which is basically a glorified allowance. Some are smart enough to get part time jobs, they start saving for the big day…but many are not even in the right place mentally to grasp the fact that they need to do this. They’re children, as you can see here. This whole thing was over the fact that this girl was coming to the realization that she’s done, 100% on her own from here on out….considering where many of these kids come from and the lives they’ve had, that can be utterly terrifying to someone at 18, with no real family and a sparse few friends here and there outside of the care home. This is why she just kept wanting to go back to “the office”…she likely knows nothing else in regards to a home, and she definitely has no idea as to what she’s going to do next in life. Not all making excuses for the little brat but, can be quite overwhelming..esp for kids who’ve had a rough go at life already.

The guy she was meeting dodged a bullet

This woman needs an exorcism.

I’ll never complain about crating my cat to go to the Vet ever again.

I am an ER nurse. Yes I have seen this, yes I have participated in this and yes this is why we have restraints.

I counted 48 times the officer asked her to either get out, or exit the vehicle. Good lord. She should’ve arrested her after 10.

That mouth is big enough to house two cats, and her voice can reach dogs in Alaska.

Damn….it’s obvious that this young woman is completely alone…no money…no family….her boyfriend just broke up with her…she is scared to death and is acting out because she is totally alone. She might be 18, but it is obvious she’s been in the system for years and has no one. I feel pity for her…..even though she’s been a total pain in the ass. Her social worker was her last person who she felt she could count on. She might be called a woman, but she’s a kid. The officer acted with restraint and patience. Exemplary. She pushed the limits too far. That doesn’t stop me from feeling sorry for her. I’d hate to be 18, no money, and alone in the world. That would be scary as shit.

The abject horror when reality crashes head-first into lifelong narcissism fomented minutely by facebook, cellphones, and “likes”.

The amount of energy it takes to keep this level of hysterics up, could power a small town.

Imagine being in that hospital with a sick or dying loved one and the last things they hear are her screaming like a wild animal

We’re watching someone hit their rock bottom as soon as they enter adulthood. Entitled is not the word i would use. This is sad.

Leave officer so I can continue to bully my overly nice caseworker into doing what I want.

We don’t pay police enough to deal with this crap.

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Most Entitled 18 year-old

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