Halls of Amenti Huge Complex discovered below GIZA Pyramids LAND OF CHEM Episode 149

Halls Of Amenti Below Giza

Halls of Amenti Huge Complex discovered below GIZA Pyramids LAND OF CHEM Episode 149 Massive underground chambers with size, volumes comparable to those of the pyramids themselves. Ancient technology using physics and chemistry. Ancient technology of the Egyptian Pyramids using physics and chemistry. Secrets of a lost civilization. Mysteries of lost ancient technology from ancient … Read more

Original Purpose of the Pyramids — The Only Theory to address all aspects of all pyramids — summary 2023-05

Original Purpose of the Pyramids

Saqqara Egypt Ancient Sound Wave Healing

Saqqara step pyramid djoser

Saqqara Egypt Ancient Sound Wave Healing Abstract Indigenous wisdom keeper Abd’el Hakim Awyan speaks about the ancient techniques of healing the human body with sound wave technology and harmonic frequencies. Content Indigenous wisdom keeper Abd’el Hakim Awyan speaks about the ancient techniques of healing the human body with sound wave technology and harmonic frequencies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSMLXfuJHFM … Read more