Physics meets Guitar Pedal – Interferometer Guitar Pedal

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Physics meets Guitar Pedal – Interferometer Guitar Pedal Guitar pedal recreates the Michelson-Morley experiment which was used to evidence a supposed fixed speed of light and validate Einstein theory, therefore propelling science, military and religion in a particular direction. Definitely takes the cake for Most Interesting guitar pedal to-date! Good explanation. Note that Michelson had … Read more

Bush and Trump Forefathers Collaborated on Radar Xrays Swamps Particle Accelerators Big Pharma and Tesla Death Ray Tech

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Bush and Trump Forefathers Collaborated on Radar Xrays Swamps Particle Accelerators Big Pharma and Tesla Death Ray Tech Interesting historical facts. explains why he never “drained the swamp” Trump’s ancestors also had big business in Saskatchewan in the oil industry There was a story that a young boy named George used to hang out in … Read more

I have discovered sonic fertilizer

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I have discovered sonic fertilizer Sound DRAMATICALLY Helps Plants Grow I spend 2 months adding to the mountains of evidence suggesting that sound helps plants grow better. So why don’t farms have PA systems? Only (reportedly) one-third of modern scientific studies have results that can be reproduced. It’s the repeatability problem. 1962 study: Holy Basil … Read more

Russell Targ on Stargate Psionics UAP and more


Russell Targ on Stargate Psionics UAP and more Russell Targ pioneered the Army’s Stargate Project, beat Wall Street with psychic predictions, and taught the Undersecretary of Defense how to remote view. He discusses remote viewing, psionics & UAP headlines, and explains machine-assisted brain-to-brain communication. Russell is the author of Third-Eye Spies: Learn Remote Viewing From … Read more

Tumfrico’s Period Experiment vs how NIST has Removed Time Measurement from Peasantry … and Other Unwanted Meddlings With Our Time via Promised Betterer Ketterers

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Tumfrico’s Period Experiment and how NIST has Removed Time Measurement from Peasantry … and Other Unwanted Meddlings With Our Time via Promised Betterer Ketterers The best illustration of the relationship of length to frequency in pendulum movement. Gaining an ability to literally control time, NIST has removed basic time measurement standard from long-standing pendulum to … Read more

Feeling. Sensing. Knowing. Pre-Sentiment Feeling the Future or Sensing an Extended Present – Dr Rupert Sheldrake


Pre-Sentiment Feeling the Future or Sensing an Extended Present