Cheap Chinese Copies causing demise of FranTone and American-Made Quality Goods … and ultimately, promptly Innovation itself

FranTone Made Too Well

Cheap Chinese Copies causing demise of FranTone and American-Made Quality Goods

Beatles played 1,461 live performances, nearly 30% of which were cover tunes! More powerful evidence that Beatles were “manufactured”, mil/psy-op

Sage of Quay™ – Ofer Zeevy – Analysis: Beatle Albums vs Live Performances (Aug 2022) 61 out of 97 original songs were never played live; instead, cover tunes were played about 30% of the time, even up to their final performance. Sage of Quay.  Research Ofer Zeevy.       The Beatles’ extensive catalog … Read more

WEF Wants to ban personal cars – Holly Seeliger

World Economic Foundation (WEF), funded primarily by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the same megalomaniacs who coincidentally ran a global-pandemic / COVID “drill” weeks before its actuality, now proposes to ban personal cars.

We are made stupider by the shortening of songs — A Warning On the Future of Music: with Author Ted Gioia


Songs shrunken and dumbed-down — 3 minutes is far too short to allow your mindset to become altered.  THE LENGTH MATTERS. “Really the most important people in music now are the CEO of Apple, the CEO of Google, the CEO of Spotify…none of them are from a music background…People [who] do not genuinely love … Read more

Embers of society: Firelight talk among Bushmen

Abstract   Much attention has been focused on control of fire in human evolution and the impact of cooking on anatomy, social, and residential arrangements. However, little is known about what transpired when firelight extended the day, creating effective time for social activities that did not conflict with productive time for subsistence activities. Comparison of … Read more

Music, Leisure, and the Cultivation of ‘Higher Civilization’ in the Late Nineteenth Century

Abstract   Alexandra Palace and Park, situated on Muswell Hill in North London, opened in 1873. Envisaged as a ‘palace of the people’, this enormous structure and landscaped gardens were constructed to provide leisure and entertainment to a local population estimated to be one million people. It provided a cornucopia of attractions including flower displays, … Read more