Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz

Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz

Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz V 440Hz TRUTH Cymatic Meditation-…

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If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla

“What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” — Albert Einstein

Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything–including our own bodies–is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavor of a meal. The way frequencies affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various experiments such as the science of Cymatics and water memory.

The science of Cymatics illustrates that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as water, air or sand, it directly alters the vibration of matter. Below are pictures demonstrating how particles adjust to different frequencies.

Water memory also illustrates how our own intentions can even alter the material world. This has been demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has performed studies showing how simple intentions through sound, emotions and thoughts can dramatically shape the way water crystallizes.

We all hold a certain vibrational frequency, not to mention our bodies are estimated to be about 70% water… so we can probably expect that musical frequencies can alter our own vibrational state. Some may call this ‘pseudoscience,’ however the science and patterns shown above don’t lie. Every expression through sound, emotion or thought holds a specific frequency which influences everything around it–much like a single drop of water can create a larger ripple effect in a large body of water.

“The ancients tuned their instruments at an A of 432 Hz instead of 440 Hz — and for a good reason. There are plenty of music examples on the internet that you can listen to, in order to establish the difference for yourself. Attuning the instrument to 432 Hz results in a more relaxing sound, while 440 Hz slightly tenses up to body. This is because 440 Hz is out of tune with both macrocosmos and microcosmos. 432 Hz on the contrary is in tune. To give an example of how this is manifested microcosmically: our breath (0,3 Hz) and our puls (1,2 Hz) relate to the frequency of the lower octave of an A of 432 Hz (108 Hz) as 1:360 and 1:90.” —

Converting music from the standard tuning of 440Hz to the alternative tuning of 432Hz has become a topic of interest for some individuals who believe in the potential healing and harmonizing properties of specific frequencies. The 432Hz tuning is often associated with claims of being more in harmony with nature, the cosmos, and the human body compared to the standard 440Hz tuning.

To conduct a cymatics experiment converting music to 432Hz from 440Hz, you can follow these general steps:

1. Select a piece of music: Choose a song or musical composition that you want to convert from 440Hz to 432Hz. Ensure that you have the necessary rights to use the music for your experiment, especially if you plan to share the results publicly.

2. Software or tools: You’ll need audio editing software or online tools capable of adjusting the pitch and tuning of the music. There are various software options available, including digital audio workstations (DAWs) like Audacity, Adobe Audition, or Ableton Live. You can also find online tools specifically designed for converting music to different tunings.

3. Convert the music: Use the audio editing software or online tool to adjust the pitch of the music from 440Hz to 432Hz. This process involves changing the frequency of the audio file while preserving its tempo and overall quality. Depending on the software or tool you’re using, the exact steps for pitch adjustment may vary, so refer to the instructions provided.

4. Listen and observe: Once you’ve converted the music to 432Hz, listen to the resulting audio and observe any differences in perception compared to the original 440Hz version. Some people claim to experience a sense of calmness, relaxation, or enhanced resonance when listening to music tuned to 432Hz, although individual responses may vary.

5. Optional: Cymatics visualization: If you have the necessary equipment and expertise, you can also visualize the effects of the different tunings using cymatics techniques. This involves playing the converted music through a speaker and observing the resulting patterns formed in a medium such as water, sand, or a powder substance. Look for differences in the patterns generated by the 432Hz and 440Hz versions of the music.

Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz

It’s important to approach cymatics experiments and the conversion of music tunings with an open mind and critical thinking. While some people may report positive experiences or subjective effects when listening to music tuned to 432Hz, scientific evidence supporting its specific benefits remains limited. Additionally, individual perceptions and responses to different tunings may vary widely.

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