Cymatics Science of Sound – Mandara Cromwell

Cymatics Science of Sound

Could harnessing one of the most powerful energies in the Universe, SOUND, lead us to the medicine of the future? Today, with modern technology and the science of Cymatics we can now visibly observe the sea of frequency and vibration that surrounds us. In this presentation we will trace healing and sacred sound through history, from the ancient to modern day sound technologies in medicine.

Mandara Cromwell is the founder and board chair of the International Sound Therapy Association (ISTA); producer of the annual Cymatics ~ The Science of Sound and Vibrational Healing Conference; president and CEO of Cyma Technologies, Inc.; and a 2013 Edison Awardsࢢ nominee in the Science/Medical category for the AMI750 device.

Experiencing a love for Gregorian chant as a child, Cromwell continued on her sound journey after college, traveling to India to study Sanskrit chant, yoga and meditation. Years later she was introduced to the world of Cymatics with the meeting of Dr. Peter Guy Manners, a British osteopath who discovered audible soundwave frequency patterns that effect cellular regeneration. Manners worked in collaboration with a group of scientists and medical doctors, for decades, formulating biosignatures and healing frequencies for each part and function of the body.

These “cymatic signatures” create cellular symphonies that nurture and nourish our body, mind, and spirit, resulting in a state of harmonious health. Since Manners’ passing in 2009, Cyma Technologies continues the research and development of therapeutic sound devices implementing therapeutic audible frequencies. Cromwell lectures on behalf of ISTA, which is dedicated both to increasing the public’s awareness of the power of thoughts, words, and sound and to promoting therapeutic sound modalities to the healing world.

Mandara Cromwell is a prominent figure in the field of sound therapy and cymatics. Cymatics is the study of visible sound and vibration, where sound frequencies are used to create visual patterns in various mediums such as liquids, powders, or even solids. These patterns can provide insights into the nature of sound and its effects on matter.

In her book “Cymatics: The Science of Sound,” Mandara Cromwell likely explores the principles of cymatics and its applications in various fields, including healing, music, and art. The book likely delves into how sound vibrations can influence physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Cromwell’s work contributes to the growing understanding of the profound effects that sound and vibration can have on the human body and consciousness. Through her research and writings, she helps to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, demonstrating the interconnectedness of sound, energy, and health.

Cymatics has gained attention in recent years as researchers and practitioners explore its potential applications in fields such as medicine, psychology, and education. Cromwell’s book is likely a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the science and practical applications of sound therapy and cymatics.


Vibrational healing, often associated with practices like cymatics, is based on the idea that everything in the universe, including the human body, is in a state of vibration. Proponents of vibrational healing believe that disruptions or imbalances in these vibrations can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments, and that restoring harmony to these vibrations can promote healing.

Cymatics, specifically, is the study of visible sound and vibration patterns. It involves observing how sound waves create geometric patterns in various mediums, such as sand or water. Advocates of cymatics healing suggest that exposing the body to specific sound frequencies can help restore balance and harmony to its vibrational energy field.

Cymatics Science of Sound - Mandara Cromwell

Practices within vibrational healing and cymatics may include:

1. Sound therapy: This involves using specific frequencies or musical compositions to stimulate healing responses in the body. This can include listening to music, singing bowls, tuning forks, or other sound-producing instruments.

2. Energy healing: Modalities like Reiki, acupuncture, or crystal healing focus on manipulating the body’s subtle energy fields to promote healing and balance. These practices often involve channeling or directing energy through the practitioner’s hands or specific tools.

3. Meditation and visualization: Techniques that involve focusing the mind and directing intention toward specific outcomes can also be part of vibrational healing. This may include guided imagery, affirmations, or mindfulness practices aimed at promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

While vibrational healing and cymatics have gained popularity in complementary and alternative medicine, scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness is limited. While some studies suggest that practices like sound therapy or energy healing may have benefits for certain conditions, more research is needed to fully understand their mechanisms and therapeutic potential.

As with any form of alternative therapy, it’s essential to approach vibrational healing and cymatics with an open mind while also seeking guidance from qualified healthcare professionals. These practices can complement conventional medical treatments but should not be used as a substitute for proper medical care.

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