WHY lenses with FEWER glass elements produce SUPERIOR images – technical, Angry Photog

WHY lenses with FEWER glass elements produce SUPERIOR images

Ken Wheeler / Angry Photographer / Theoria Apophosis


The assertion that lenses with fewer glass elements produce superior images is a common perspective among some photographers, particularly those who prioritize factors like optical clarity, sharpness, and contrast in their images. While this viewpoint can be valid in certain contexts, it’s essential to understand the trade-offs involved and the broader factors that contribute to image quality in photography.

Here are some technical reasons why lenses with fewer glass elements might be perceived as producing superior images:

1. Reduced Light Loss: Each glass element in a lens can cause some degree of light loss due to reflections and absorption. Lenses with fewer elements may exhibit less light loss, resulting in higher overall light transmission and potentially better image contrast and brightness, particularly in low-light conditions.

2. Minimized Aberrations: Every glass element in a lens introduces the potential for optical aberrations such as chromatic aberration, spherical aberration, and coma. By minimizing the number of elements, lens designers can reduce the complexity of the optical system, making it easier to control and correct aberrations, which can lead to sharper and more accurate image reproduction.

3. Improved Contrast and Color Rendering: Fewer glass elements can result in fewer opportunities for light scattering and internal reflections within the lens, leading to improved contrast and color rendering in the final image. This can result in images with greater depth and vibrancy, particularly in high-contrast scenes.

4. Simplified Optical Design: Lenses with fewer elements often have simpler optical designs, which can make them more robust, easier to manufacture, and potentially more consistent in performance across different shooting conditions. This simplicity can also contribute to a more straightforward and intuitive shooting experience for photographers.

However, it’s important to recognize that the number of glass elements is just one factor among many that influence image quality in photography. Other critical factors include lens aperture, focal length, lens coatings, build quality, and the skill of the photographer.

Additionally, modern lens design and manufacturing technologies have made it possible to produce lenses with complex optical configurations that deliver exceptional image quality, even with a higher number of glass elements. Therefore, while lenses with fewer elements may offer certain advantages, they are not inherently superior to lenses with more elements in all situations. Ultimately, the choice of lens depends on the specific needs and preferences of the photographer and the intended use of the lens.

1 thought on “WHY lenses with FEWER glass elements produce SUPERIOR images – technical, Angry Photog”

  1. Turns out the light forms an electrical (eluxtrical?) circuit and the glass acts like a filter. Just like in sound, too many filters, too much processing, and the sound quality degrades.

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