Evidence of RF NEXRAD used to Steer Hurricane Helene

Evidence of RF NEXRAD used to Steer Hurricane Helene – Peggy Hall and Dane Wigington

Hurricane Helene is likely the single most damaging and expensive storm in US history.

“Was Hurricane Helene’s path and behavior just the result of natural processes and climate patterns, or was it manipulated? The circular blue flashes seen in this video are [powerful RF radiation blasts] from the NEXRAD network of transmitter installations. …was Helene’s path just an act of Nature, or was it engineered?”

“The fact that [Hurricane Helene] was steered [by NEXRAD RADAR RF energy blasts] is inarguable.” – Dane Wigington, 12:00 into video

From around 22:00 — “Where there are no blue flashes, there are no transmissions [of RF energy], there is no repelling effect [to the storm], thus no resistance for a migrating storm.”

“…Atlantic plankton down 90%…” ~ 30:30

“We are staring-down near-term omnicide on planet Earth…” ~ 33:05

– Dane Wigington, GeoengineeringWatch.org
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“I’m 55 miles from Asheville. They sprayed the hell out of us for 3 days before helene showed up. Absolutely made us completely saturated before she got here!! And guess what? Today they are at it again. Please pray their plans do not prevail!!

“Here in Houston, we were heavily sprayed before the devastating tornado in May and then followed up by a hurricane a month later, we were sprayed heavily for days on end. I work outside and tell everyone about the difference of breathing air quality and still…crickets!!!

“Spraying like crazy Kansas, Eastern Colorado 2-3 days before the hurricane. We knew something was going on!

“PEGGY — What no one is reporting is the destruction of the Spruce Pine Mine in western NC. This mine produces the crucial high purity quartz that is integral to the global production of solar panels and semiconductor chips. Even if they can get the mine up and running, the town has been destroyed along with essential railroad lines that transport the product. Highways and other local roads have also been washed away. This loss will cause severe disruption of the global supply chain for microchips and solar panels. If you need new electronics (cell phones, computers, solar panels) get them NOW. This will affect everyone. So, was this mine a targeted hit? Maybe this will be the excuse to delay/cancel/ alter the election?

“It would be very interesting to look into hurricane John that just hit Acapulco, not just once but, twice There was a category 5 that hit without warning almost a year ago in Acapulco that was without rain. So three hits within one year. Very curious

“hurricanes being spawned by haarp nexrad blasts from ascension island, per dutchsinse and others

“100 degrees today in Berkeley. In October. Expected for tomorrow too. We rarely get even 80 degrees here in summer. [2024-10-02]

“Peggy ~ Please research “SUN SIMULATOR(s) [PATENTS] and “LIFI” (more powerful than WIFI) and “OPTOGENETICS”.

“At 30:13 You talked about the skies. Also am in Shasta county and before the Park fire in Chico – they were really, really, really – happened to be in Redding – And there were sixteen lines criss crossing the skies.

“DAVID KEITH is The Guy at Harvard now running the chemtrail experiment program

“There were tornadoes in Blowing Rock 36 hours before Helene made landfall. There are never tornadoes up in the mountains. Until now

“beware limited hangout — who has wherewithall to do something for greater good without pay for many years? someone who is otherwise funded. DW has never made it clear how his resilient longevity has been enabled.

“Supposed to be 105 degrees in Bakersfield, California! No Fall weather here !!

“Nc also just got a huge “grant”to produce lab grown meat I think by bezos or gates.

“I live in Newport TN cocke COUNTY..half of my city was under water.. and the flooding was here for days before Helene ever got here.. it rained and rained for a week straight out of no water for so long.. we barely had warning and they were screaming the dams were breaking!!! We literally had homes sitting on our railroad tracks when they were done with us! And now with Iran and Israel the Appalachian mts will be forgotten… They were barely helping anyway… It was days before fema barely showed up and the white house only called…. Days later… It’s the local utility workers and cops who are saving lives like fire fighters and just people who live here! Thank you so much

“heavy spraying most of summer in Idaho, fires-fires-fires.

“What ive see in NY. Chem tr&ils till sky is covered. Then sky turns into ridges, and gets rain droplets. Military no windows, does the high trails and commercial low trails. Small rainbows too in the chem clouds. I know awacs fly around with weather engineering equipment above the clouds once the sky is covered. A tennessee senator i called said its the military and commercial jets, and that the state DEC said they will not enforce it because aerospace is federal.

“And Dan did not mention with 6 months no rain they also took down 4 dams from the Klamouth River River devastating the fish and wildlife service. Property completely devalued. We will feel the effects for years

“Could the nation wide Verizon Wireless outage recently have been a part of the Helene issue?

OPERATION POPEYE – tested by mil in Vietnam and elsewhere

25:40 — true about wind blowing lightly and trees falling over everywhere — in Wash DC area trees snap off about 30 feet up like internally dried-out matchsticks. Have been screaming about this for many many years. Nearly nobody seems to pay attention. Truth is nobody gives a damn until they themselves are harmed. Then it suddenly matters. But by then it will be far too late.

“Dane STILL does not realize the short term goal is quick death, tho not too quick that profit can not be squeezed out during the death throes.

25:40 — true about wind blowing lightly and trees falling over everywhere — in Wash DC area trees snap off about 30 feet up like internally dried-out matchsticks. Have been screaming about this for many many years. Nearly nobody seems to pay attention. Truth is nobody gives a damn until they themselves are harmed. Then it suddenly matters. But by then it will be far too late.

“Wash DC area, entire area, 90% of trees are afflicted, dying where they stand, drying out internally; easily downed by slightest winds, rains; fungus all over; leaves often “eaten through” and not by bugs. Chemtrails are routine. AntennaSearch shows numerous wifi blasters so powerful in DC that they require FCC registration — THIS is mind numbing / zombifying, bio/life-altering. Wait until Elon fires up his slated 144,000 5G blasters in STARLINK (hundreds more going ‘live’ each month!) Not to go off-topic, either, because it’s really all linked together further up Their pyramid.


Evidence of RF NEXRAD used to Steer Hurricane Helene - Peggy Hall and Dane Wigington

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PROJECT CIRRUS – Military Weather Modification Since 1947


Project Cirrus was a pioneering weather modification project conducted by the U.S. Navy, Air Force, and the General Electric Corporation, starting in 1947. Its main goal was to explore whether humans could control and influence weather patterns, specifically by experimenting with cloud seeding to potentially weaken or steer hurricanes and other storms.

OPERATION POPEYE – Military Extension of Monsoon Season – Weather Warfare in Vietnam


Operation Popeye was a covert weather modification program conducted by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War from 1967 to 1972. Its primary goal was to extend the monsoon season in Southeast Asia, particularly over the Ho Chi Minh Trail, to disrupt enemy supply routes by making roads muddy and impassable. The operation involved cloud seeding to increase rainfall, a direct application of the weather modification techniques first explored in earlier projects like Project Cirrus.

PROJECT STORMFURY – Military Hurricane Modification – Weather Warfare


Project Stormfury was a U.S. government experiment aimed at modifying hurricanes to reduce their destructive power. It ran from 1962 to 1983 and was a continuation of earlier weather modification efforts like Project Cirrus. The idea was to weaken hurricanes by seeding clouds in their eyewall, potentially redirecting or reducing their strength. Although the project did not achieve its original goals, it provided valuable insights into hurricane dynamics. [Perhaps part of what was gleaned by this massive undertaking was how to increase power of hurricanes and how to steer them?]

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