The indefatigable Preston Nichols explains what not long ago was the next step in digital sound on this planet

Next Step in Digital Sound on this Planet – Preston Nichols

Next Step in Digital Sound on this Planet

“It’s true, [vacuum tubes sound better than transistors] because the vacuum tube produces…life energies.” — 37:45 in

From the comments —

“…I saw tapes of Preston at a Tesla society  conference. With scientists in the audience he was able to break down quantum psychics formulas on a black board from memory. Some of the  scientists were stunned. If you can find that 4 hour lecture, get it. Its a underground classic from this mad scientist.”  

“I have talked to Preston on the phone several times, however his phone number stopped working about 3 years ago. I met him in person when I lived in Freehold New York. The North American Phonograph Company on the corner of route 32 between Cairo and Freehold. He talked to me about things, and we have talked about how acoustic recording like I do captures much more than just sound, especially when you use a silica glass diaphragm, and the cylinder record, which contains some DNA of the animals that made the cylinders.”

“Having Preston Nichols and John Hutchison and Dan Winter and Eric Dollard all together in close proximity would undoubtedly result in aetherically-coupled and therefore limitlessly hyperdimensional melding of reality and ab-reality, both ending and beginning the Earth, humankind, time itself, and all of reality – precariously, a literal concomitant vortexing and devortexing of infinitudinality. Thank goodness the military’s Internet allows distance-learning so that all may gain whilst safe time-space is maintained!”
Next Step in Digital Sound on this Planet

Preston Nichols is perhaps best known for his involvement in the Montauk Project, a series of conspiracy theories alleging secret government experiments at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station in Montauk, New York. While he was not widely recognized as an authority in mainstream technology or audio engineering, he did discuss various unconventional ideas and theories related to his alleged involvement in the Montauk Project.

In the context of your question, it’s unclear what specific technology or concept Preston Nichols may have referred to as “the next step in digital sound.” Without more context, it’s challenging to provide a precise explanation of his statement.

However, if we speculate based on themes commonly associated with Nichols’ work, he might have discussed advanced or experimental technologies related to sound manipulation, such as:

  1. Psychotronic or mind control technology: Nichols and others involved in the Montauk Project have been associated with claims of research into mind control and psychological manipulation using advanced technology. This could include technologies designed to influence emotions, thoughts, or behavior through sound waves or other means.
  2. Scalar waves or zero-point energy: Nichols and his collaborators have discussed concepts such as scalar waves, which are hypothetical electromagnetic waves that propagate through the fabric of space-time. These waves have been proposed as a means of transmitting information or energy without conventional electromagnetic fields, and they have sometimes been linked to theories about advanced communication or energy technologies.
  3. Time travel or alternate dimensions: The Montauk Project conspiracy theories often involve claims of experimentation with time travel, alternate dimensions, or parallel universes. Nichols and others have suggested that advanced technologies capable of manipulating sound or other forms of energy could be used to access or interact with these phenomena.

It’s important to note that the ideas associated with Preston Nichols and the Montauk Project are highly speculative and controversial, and they lack scientific evidence or mainstream recognition. As such, any claims made by Nichols regarding advanced digital sound technology should be approached with skepticism and critical thinking.

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