Saqqara, Egypt – Ancient Sound-Wave Healing

Saqqara, Egypt – Ancient Sound-Wave Healing


Indigenous wisdom keeper Abd’el Hakim Awyan speaks about the ancient techniques of healing the human body with sound wave technology and harmonic frequencies.


Indigenous wisdom keeper Abd’el Hakim Awyan speaks about the ancient techniques of healing the human body with sound wave technology and harmonic frequencies.

Saqqara, Egypt - Ancient Sound-Wave Healing

Sound healing in ancient Egypt

Using a method called ‘toning’, Egyptians manipulated the vowel sound using breath and voice to render therapeutic sounds.

Of all forms of energy, sound is perhaps one of the more powerful manifestations. Sound energy is intricately connected with the human consciousness and the innate spiritual side of man. Sound is at the core of life itself. It influences the mind and the emotions, it is known to alter the life force of a person, with its ability to heal.

The modality of sound healing is slowly but surely gaining momentum. No more relegated to the status of an alternative healing practice, the technique of sound healing is increasingly considered part of the mainstream. For instance, music therapy, known to alleviate physical pain and enhance mental wellbeing, is now integrated into hospital programmes. According to Cognitive Neuro Psychologist and music therapist Dr. Thirumalachari Mythily, Apollo Hospital, music therapy is also implemented in the areas of paediatrics to treat hyperactive children, and in geriatrics to retrieve the memory of older people with neurological problems.

RE Understanding the therapeutic effects of sound: Past peoples were aware of the healing properties of sound. Writes Barbara Marciniak in her book Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library: “The ancients understood that a simple sound could reorganise the body’s structure. Sounds that are harmonious, activate the body and create healing.” The book also contends that our ancestors composed harmonious chants and hymns to manipulate the intensity of sound vibrations and their healing capacities. Of the many civilisations that understood the healing nature of sound, one of them was Egypt.

Fascinated with the sound of vowels, the ancient Egyptians knew about their acoustic power. They believed that these sounds could generate vibrations with healing abilities. Using a method called ‘toning’, they manipulated the vowel sound using breath and voice to render therapeutic sounds. Musicologist Laurel Elizabeth Keys writes in her book Toning: The creative power of voice: “Toning is an ancient method of healing. The idea is to simply restore people to their harmonic patterns.”

Given the healing effect of vowels, resonating structures were built by the Egyptians to amplify the therapeutic effects of sound during religious ceremonies, temples and pyramids along the Band of Peace. According to the acoustician John Stuart Reid, the King’s chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza was designed to reverberate in order to increase the sound energy from ritualistic chants. He claims that his chronic pain in the lower back was healed while conducting cymatic experiments in the pyramid.

Was it a miracle that Reid’s pain vanished or is there more to the pyramids than meets the eye? Late archaeologist Abd’el Hakim Awyan was an indigenous wisdom keeper: Says he in the documentary The Pyramid Code that pyramid structures along the Band of Peace are harmonic structures that used sound (of running water through an underground tunnel) to heal illnesses. Awyan explains: “Every chamber within the pyramid has a specific harmonic replicating the harmonics of the cavities of the human body.

Sound healing techniques were then used to restore the patient’s body to the correct harmonics.

Further taking the example of the Bent Pyramid of Sneferu in Dashur, Hakim says, Sen means ‘double’ and nefer means ‘harmony’ and that the bent pyramid has two different chambers that produce two distinct sound frequencies. These frequencies are in turn amplified within the pyramid walls to create huge fields of harmonic resonance that restore balance within a human body.

RE restoring balance within our body using sound: Scientist Itzhak Bentov writes in his book Stalking the Wild Pendulum that an illness is nothing but an “out-of-tune behaviour of one or the other organs in the body.” He explains that when a cell is stressed or diseased, its frequency changes and it starts vibrating discordantly. And so, he hypothesises that when a strong harmonising rhythm is applied, the malfunctioning cell might just start beating in tune again.

“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies.” – Integrative Oncologist Dr Mitchell Gaynor


Saqqara, located in Egypt, is an ancient burial ground that contains numerous tombs, temples, and pyramids, including the famous Step Pyramid of Djoser, one of the earliest monumental stone structures in history. While Saqqara is primarily known for its archaeological significance, there are no widely recognized connections to “ancient sound-wave healing” specifically attributed to the site.

However, the concept of sound-wave healing has been explored in various cultures throughout history, including ancient Egypt. Some proponents of alternative healing modalities suggest that certain frequencies and vibrations, including those produced by sound, can have therapeutic effects on the body and mind. This idea is often based on the belief that different frequencies resonate with specific organs or energy centers within the body, and that harmonizing these frequencies can promote health and well-being.

In the context of ancient Egypt, sound was indeed an important aspect of religious rituals and spiritual practices. Music, chanting, and vocal incantations were used in temple ceremonies and funerary rites, with the belief that they could facilitate communication with the divine, protect against malevolent forces, and guide the soul in the afterlife.

While there is historical evidence of the use of sound in ancient Egyptian culture, including the presence of musical instruments such as harps, flutes, and drums, specific practices related to “sound-wave healing” as understood in contemporary alternative medicine are not well-documented or widely recognized in the context of ancient Egyptian civilization.

It’s essential to approach claims about ancient sound-wave healing with skepticism and critical thinking, as the evidence supporting such practices in ancient cultures may be limited or speculative. While sound can certainly have a profound impact on human physiology and psychology, the efficacy of specific sound-based healing techniques requires rigorous scientific investigation and empirical validation.

Saqqara, an ancient burial ground in Egypt, serves as a fascinating case study for historians, archaeologists, and those interested in ancient technologies and practices, including the purported use of sound for healing purposes. While the historical and archaeological record provides extensive details about the construction, art, and burial practices in places like Saqqara, the specific claim regarding ancient sound-wave healing in this context emerges more from speculative interpretations and modern alternative theories than from direct ancient evidence.

Historical Context

Saqqara is part of the larger necropolis of the ancient Egyptian capital, Memphis, and features numerous pyramids, including the Step Pyramid of Djoser, tombs, and burial sites dating back to the First Dynasty (circa 3100 BCE) as well as to later periods. It was a complex site with significant religious and ceremonial importance, dedicated to the afterlife and the worship of the dead.

Sound and Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians were known to have a deep appreciation for music and sound, incorporating it into their religious rituals, ceremonies, and daily life. Instruments such as harps, flutes, and percussions were commonly used. Chants and vocal music played roles in religious ceremonies, potentially aiming to induce states of consciousness or spiritual experiences among participants.

Sound Healing Theories

The theory that ancient Egyptians used sound-wave healing, particularly in Saqqara, is part of a broader interest in the role of acoustics and vibrations in ancient structures and practices. Proponents of this theory suggest that certain chambers within the pyramids or temples were designed to amplify or generate specific sound frequencies that could have healing properties or affect consciousness.

Resonance and Healing: The idea is that these specific frequencies, through resonance and vibration, could align with the body’s frequencies to promote healing, balance, and spiritual awakening.
Architectural Acoustics: Some researchers and alternative theorists have explored the acoustic properties of ancient Egyptian architecture, noting that certain spaces produce remarkable echoes, reverberations, and sound effects, which they speculate could have been intentionally designed for ritualistic or healing purposes.

Skepticism and Challenges

Lack of Direct Evidence: There is limited direct evidence from ancient texts or archaeological findings to conclusively support the claim that the ancient Egyptians used sound-wave healing in a systematic or scientifically understood manner, especially specific to Saqqara.
Interpretative Leap: While the acoustical properties of some ancient structures are well-documented, making a connection to intentional sound healing requires a significant interpretative leap. The ancient Egyptians did not leave detailed accounts of using sound specifically for healing in the way modern proponents describe.Conclusion

The notion of ancient sound-wave healing in Saqqara, Egypt, reflects a captivating intersection of archaeology, acoustics, and alternative history theories. While it is clear that sound and music held important roles in ancient Egyptian culture, the specific claim of sound-wave healing practices at Saqqara remains speculative without direct ancient evidence. Nevertheless, exploring these possibilities can lead to a deeper appreciation for the sophistication and mystery of ancient civilizations, encouraging both scientific inquiry and imaginative speculation about the past.

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