Mark Devlin interviews MK’d Cathy O’Brien RE Satanica Musica

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Mark Devlin interviews MK’d Cathy O’Brien RE Satanica Musica Mark Devlin interviews MK’d Cathy O’Brien RE Satanica Musica “Trance-Formation of America” book “I am a survivor of CIA MK-ULTRA mind control. I was used on a White House / Pentagon level. I was deep in the Washington, DC swamp among perpetrators who steal elections and … Read more

Jarring Bizarrity of David Bowie

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Jarring Bizarrity of David Bowie Tortured, disjointed soul. Chaos. Confusion. An elemental of the NWO. Screams. Fits. Rages. Perplectica Ginormous. It would appear Bowie has some otherworldly grip on your right forearm… my feeling is at some point Ozzy Osborn pissed in the pool and it was never the same Allot of those guys were … Read more

Beyond Gangster Blackface docu on Hip-Hop by Lennon Honor w Jan Irvin Unpsun Logos Media

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Beyond Gangster Blackface docu on Hip-Hop by Lennon Honor w Jan Irvin Unpsun Logos Media 30 years hindight examination of music — Based on repetition in music — NWA Niggas With Attitude (likely most influential hip-hop band) 4 albums Major theme is disrespect of women (bitch, hoe, etc) 3:09:44 total playtime 553 instances of … Read more

Music Will Get Worse – Music Has Gotten Worse

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Music Will Get Worse – Music Has Gotten Worse – Dr. Richard Day, a prominent physician and professor of pediatrics, is said to be the original presenter of the information that “music will get worse”. He allegedly made these statements at a conference in 1969. Dr. Day was the National Medical Director of Planned Parenthood and reportedly spoke about various topics related to the New World Order, including the claim that “music will get worse.”

Most Entitled Bikini Barista vs Most Entitled Caffeine Fiend – What internal songs might be playing? Hammatime SplishSplash

20240621 035024

Most Entitled Bikini Barista – The traction of idiocy is not about respect, shame, her feelings and emotions, nor his action (or her hammer-blow), but instead it’s the gawk-at-idiocy that amuses, enthralls — it’s Real-Life PHIL DONAHUE.