My perfect car audio system is One that I can change like underwear Mobile Electronics Magazine May 2016
Guess that makes sense when it sounds like shit.
In fairness, the rant is against changing technology versus the monopolistic lock-in to already-old and quickly-aging technologies, forced by the OEMs who would rather die than simply leave space and sovereignty for car audio components.
But the article never mentions the awful sound of the constantly changing technologies. 8-track tape. Cassette tape. AM. FM. CDs with their skipping. MP3s with their godawful-sounding purposefully “lossy” data “compression”. The radical EQ’ing of Dolby and ilk, meant to overcome tape hiss. The “loudness wars” of “maximizing” dynamic compression down to 4dB or less of dynamic headroom – explaining why all the quietest parts of modern music screams just as loud as the loudest parts. All done with transistorized gear which “advances” by diabolical schemes to ever cheapen it. These are not desirable advances in the least. Dolby, maybe, was onto something legit. The rest are just leading the way down that slope to off-shoring, making disposable junk with planned failure and obsolescence, or else ruining the sound in exchange for convenience and fitting ten thousand ruined song rips on a memory card instead of one thousand that are somewhat less ruined.
Whatever happened to just doing it well, doing it right, and to hell with all the tricks and gimmicks? That’s American. It seems to us anyone doing anything less is posing.
Page 8 of the magazine