“God is two octaves above man.” Esoteric studies deep into music and more.
I’m Mic Hael, a long-time audiophile-musician-engineer polymath sapiophile pursuing endlessly wondrous curiosities.
If you’re here, maybe you’re the same. Welcome fellow traveler, audiofficianado of truth and beauty.
This website is a constantly curated, broad and deep and growing imbroglio of eternal interests that extends beyond music: Audiology; physiology; ancient pyramids; archaeology; biogeometry; resonance; healing; RF energies; acoustics; supersonics; mathematics; physics; geology; geography; cymatics; healing; nutrition; health; spirit and much more.
All is inseparably connected via vibration; according to scriptures, sound was the beginning.
soundQuality.org — exploring, enjoying and expanding the infinitude in esoterica, musicology, audiology
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