Truth About Popular Music Too loud and all sounds the same Weaponized music made to upset and harm Ever stupider lyrics dumbing down listeners on purpose

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Truth About Popular Music Too loud and all sounds the same Weaponized music made to upset and harm Ever stupider lyrics dumbing down listeners on purpose

Why Pyramids Work Electrical Function of Pyramids detailed by Dan Winter with Dr Sam Osmanagich

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Why Pyramids Work Electrical Function of Pyramids detailed by Dan Winter with Dr Sam Osmanagich A “shem unto the Lord” is an electrical charge machine. 100,000 pyramids, nearly all buried in jungles, in Central America. The Electrical Function of Pyramids: Insights from Dr Samir Osmanagich and Michael Tellinger The allure of pyramids has captivated human … Read more

Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds – Ancient Sounds to Advance Consciousness

Ancient Sounds to Advance Consciousness

Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz

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Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a fact that everything–including our own bodies–is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the … Read more