Music and Brain Dr Jessica Grahn

Music and Brain

Dr. Jessica Grahn talks to Jay Ingram about music and the brain

Dr. Jessica Grahn is a cognitive neuroscientist whose research focuses on the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying music perception, cognition, and movement. She is particularly interested in how the brain processes rhythm and timing, and how music can be used to improve motor function in individuals with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.

In her work, Dr. Grahn uses neuroimaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) to investigate how the brain responds to musical stimuli and how musical training and expertise influence brain structure and function. She also conducts behavioral experiments to explore the cognitive processes involved in rhythm perception, synchronization, and production.

Dr. Grahn has made significant contributions to our understanding of the neural basis of rhythm processing, including the role of specialized brain regions such as the basal ganglia and the cerebellum. Her research has implications for both basic neuroscience research and clinical applications, such as the development of music-based interventions for movement disorders and rehabilitation.

As a prominent figure in the field of music neuroscience, Dr. Jessica Grahn frequently shares her insights and findings through lectures, presentations, and publications. Her work has helped to illuminate the complex interplay between music and the brain, highlighting the profound impact that music can have on cognitive function, emotional well-being, and motor control.

Dr. Jessica Grahn is a cognitive neuroscientist known for her research on the relationship between music and the brain. Her work focuses on understanding how the brain processes music, the effects of music on movement and perception, and why music can evoke strong emotional responses. Dr. Grahn’s research sheds light on the neural mechanisms underlying music cognition and its potential therapeutic applications, particularly in movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.

Music and Brain

Key Areas of Research

Music and Movement: One of Dr. Grahn’s primary research interests is in exploring how music influences movement. She has conducted studies showing that music with a strong beat can enhance movement in individuals with Parkinson’s disease, who often struggle with motor timing and coordination. This research suggests that listening to rhythmic music may help improve gait and movement by engaging motor-related areas of the brain.

Rhythm Perception and Production: Dr. Grahn investigates how the human brain perceives and produces rhythm, a fundamental aspect of music. Her work examines the neural bases of rhythm perception and seeks to understand why some people have a better sense of rhythm than others. This research involves studying both musicians and non-musicians, as well as individuals with specific neurological conditions that affect rhythm perception.

The Evolutionary Basis of Music: Another aspect of Dr. Grahn’s work involves exploring the evolutionary origins of music and rhythm. She considers why music is a universal human phenomenon and how it might have played a role in human evolution, particularly in terms of social bonding and coordination.

Emotion and Music: Dr. Grahn also explores the emotional impact of music, investigating how different musical elements (such as tempo, rhythm, and harmony) can evoke emotions and how these emotional responses are processed in the brain.

Contributions to Neuroscience and Music Therapy

Dr. Grahn’s research has significant implications for both neuroscience and the development of music-based therapies. By elucidating the neural mechanisms through which music affects movement and emotion, her work provides a scientific basis for using music as a therapeutic tool for individuals with movement disorders and other neurological conditions. Additionally, her research contributes to a broader understanding of the cognitive processes involved in music perception and production, offering insights into how music can be used to enhance cognitive and motor skills.

Public Engagement and Education

Dr. Grahn is also active in public engagement and education, often giving talks and presentations on the science of music and the brain. She aims to make neuroscience accessible to a wider audience, highlighting the relevance of music cognition research to everyday life and its potential to inform therapeutic practices.


Dr. Jessica Grahn’s work at the intersection of music, neuroscience, and movement disorders represents a valuable contribution to our understanding of the complex relationship between music and the brain. Her research not only advances our knowledge of music cognition but also opens new avenues for the therapeutic use of music in clinical settings.

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