Physical Use of Chi Energy Demonstrated by John Chang, Chi Kung Master

CHI energy demonstrated – lighting paper on fire with bare hand, telekinesis, forcing objects through others, etc.


John Chang, also known as John Chang Ratu Panglipur or simply “The Magus of Java,” gained fame through the book “The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal” by Kosta Danaos. In the book, Danaos recounts his experiences studying with John Chang, who is described as a master of neigong (internal energy cultivation) and qigong (energy work).

John Chang is said to have demonstrated various extraordinary abilities attributed to the manipulation of chi energy, including:

1. **Energy Generation**: John Chang purportedly had the ability to generate and manipulate chi energy, which he demonstrated by channeling it through his body and directing it towards various objects or individuals. This energy was believed to have healing, protective, and offensive properties.

2. **Healing**: According to Danaos, John Chang used chi energy for healing purposes, treating ailments and injuries by directing energy flow to specific areas of the body. He was said to have cured illnesses and relieved pain through his energy work.

3. **Psychokinesis**: John Chang was reported to have displayed psychokinetic abilities, such as moving objects with his mind or projecting energy to affect physical objects at a distance. These demonstrations were interpreted as manifestations of his mastery over chi energy.

4. **Elemental Manipulation**: Some accounts suggest that John Chang had control over the elements, such as the ability to start fires with his hands or control the temperature of objects through energy manipulation.

It’s important to note that claims of extraordinary abilities like those attributed to John Chang are highly controversial and often subject to skepticism and scrutiny. While Danaos’ book presents these abilities as factual accounts based on his personal experiences, they have not been scientifically validated or verified through rigorous empirical testing.

The story of John Chang and his purported abilities has sparked interest and debate within the fields of martial arts, energy work, and metaphysics. However, without concrete evidence or independent verification, it remains a subject of speculation and fascination rather than established scientific fact.


Chi energy, also spelled qi or ki, is a concept originating from Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine. It refers to the vital energy or life force that is believed to flow through the body and animate all living things. The concept of chi is central to various traditional Chinese practices, including qigong, tai chi, acupuncture, and Chinese martial arts.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, chi flows through channels or meridians in the body, nourishing and regulating the body’s organs and systems. When chi is balanced and flowing freely, the body is believed to be healthy and in harmony. However, disruptions or blockages in the flow of chi can lead to illness, pain, and other health problems.

Practices such as qigong and tai chi are aimed at cultivating and balancing chi energy through movement, breathing exercises, meditation, and visualization techniques. These practices are believed to enhance overall health and well-being, improve circulation, reduce stress, and boost vitality.

In traditional Chinese martial arts, chi energy is also believed to play a role in enhancing strength, agility, and resilience. Practitioners of martial arts often train to cultivate and harness chi energy to improve their martial skills and combat effectiveness.

While the concept of chi energy is central to traditional Chinese philosophy and medicine, it is important to note that it is not recognized or understood within the framework of modern science. Critics argue that the concept of chi lacks empirical evidence and scientific basis and is often dismissed as pseudoscience. However, many people continue to find value in practices such as qigong, tai chi, and acupuncture for their potential benefits in promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being, regardless of the scientific validity of the concept of chi energy.

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