Bosnian Pyramids update Sep 2015, Osmanagich, Croatia

Bosnian Pyramids update Sep 2015

Parts 1 and 2 are also excellent, particularly second-half of Part 1 in which Dr Valery Uvarov describes the construction of the pyramid complex at Tomsk.

Dr. Valery Uvarov is a Russian scientist and researcher known for his work on alternative and esoteric topics, including pyramidology. He has discussed various theories related to the construction and purpose of pyramid complexes, including those purportedly located in Tomsk, Siberia.

While I don’t have access to Dr. Valery Uvarov’s specific descriptions of the pyramid complex in Tomsk, it’s worth noting that his perspectives may align with alternative theories that attribute mystical or energetic properties to pyramids. Some proponents of pyramid power theories suggest that these structures have unique abilities to amplify energies, influence consciousness, or even affect physical health.

However, it’s essential to approach such claims with skepticism and critical thinking, as many of these theories lack scientific evidence and have been widely criticized by mainstream researchers. Without empirical data or archaeological evidence to support the existence of a pyramid complex in Tomsk or its purported effects, these ideas remain speculative.

If you’re interested in learning more about Dr. Valery Uvarov’s specific descriptions or theories regarding the pyramid complex in Tomsk, I recommend seeking out his publications, interviews, or lectures where he discusses these topics in detail. Additionally, considering alternative viewpoints and consulting reputable sources can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.


As of my last update in January 2022, the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, discovered by Dr. Semir Osmanagić in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, continues to be a subject of controversy and ongoing research. Osmanagić claims that the hills in the Visoko area are actually ancient pyramids, which he refers to as the Bosnian Pyramids. However, mainstream archaeologists and geologists generally reject these claims, stating that the formations are natural hills and not man-made structures.

Despite the skepticism from the scientific community, Dr. Osmanagić and his team have been conducting excavations and research at the site for many years. They have reported various findings that they believe support their hypothesis of the pyramids’ artificial origins, including alleged concrete blocks, underground tunnels, and other anomalous features.

However, independent investigations and scientific analyses have often failed to confirm these claims, with many experts concluding that the evidence presented by Osmanagić and his team does not substantiate the existence of ancient pyramids in Visoko.

Nevertheless, the Bosnian Pyramid Complex continues to attract visitors and tourists interested in alternative archaeology and ancient mysteries. The site has become a popular destination for enthusiasts who are intrigued by the possibility of discovering ancient civilizations in unexpected locations.

As of now, the debate over the Bosnian Pyramids remains unresolved, with proponents and skeptics continuing to present their arguments and evidence. It is essential to approach claims about the pyramids with critical thinking and to rely on peer-reviewed research and scientific consensus when evaluating their authenticity.

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