A432 in Plain English – Jamie Buturff

A432 in Plain English

A432 Solfeggio Scale, using Pythagorean tuning

Do 256 Hz C
Re 288 Hz D
Mi 324 Hz E
Fa 344 Hz F
Sol 384 Hz G
La 432 Hz A
Ti 486 Hz B

A432 Chakra Tones

Crown – 216, 432, 864 – A
3rd eye – 144, 288, 576 – D
Throat – 192, 384, 768 – G
Heart – 128, 256, 512 – C
Solar Plexus – 182, 364, 728 – F#
Sacral – 303, 606, 1212 – E_b
Root – 228, 456, 912 – B_b


Jamie Buturff

The “Jamie Buturff Collection – A432” likely refers to a collection of musical recordings or compositions curated or created by Jamie Buturff that are tuned to the frequency of A432 Hz. Let me explain what A432 Hz means in plain English:

1. Pitch Standard: A432 Hz refers to the frequency at which the musical note A above middle C vibrates. In other words, it’s a specific pitch standard used to tune musical instruments and set the reference pitch for music.

2. Hertz (Hz): Hertz is a unit of measurement that represents the frequency of a sound wave, indicating how many vibrations occur per second. In the case of A432 Hz, it means that the sound wave produced by the musical note A vibrates at a frequency of 432 cycles per second.

3. Tuning: Standard tuning for musical instruments, such as the piano or guitar, typically uses A440 Hz as the reference pitch, meaning that the A above middle C is tuned to vibrate at 440 cycles per second. However, some musicians and composers prefer to tune their instruments to alternative frequencies, such as A432 Hz, for various reasons.

4. A432 Hz vs. A440 Hz: Advocates of A432 Hz tuning claim that it offers a more harmonious and natural sound compared to the standard A440 Hz tuning. They argue that A432 Hz resonates more closely with the frequencies found in nature and has a more calming and healing effect on listeners. However, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited, and the debate over the benefits of A432 Hz tuning remains controversial in the music community.

A432 vs A440 Tuning

A440 Standard Tuning

  • Definition: A440 refers to the standard tuning pitch where the A above middle C vibrates at 440 Hz.
  • History: It became widely accepted as the international standard for concert pitch in 1939 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
  • Arguments for A440:
  • Compatibility: Most modern instruments are designed to perform optimally at A440.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity across different performances and recordings.
  • Practicality: Aligns with the tuning practices of most orchestras and ensembles globally.

A432 Tuning

  • Definition: A432 advocates propose tuning instruments so that the A note vibrates at 432 Hz instead of 440 Hz.
  • Historical Context:
  • Ancient Texts: Some proponents of A432 tuning refer to historical texts and artifacts suggesting that this pitch was used in ancient civilizations.
  • Natural Resonance: Advocates argue that 432 Hz is mathematically consistent with patterns found in nature and the universe.
  • Healing Properties: Some claim that 432 Hz has calming and healing effects on the human body and mind.

Arguments for A432:

  • Natural Resonance: Belief that 432 Hz resonates more harmoniously with natural frequencies and vibrations.
  • Historical Evidence: References to historical texts and artifacts suggesting a preference for lower tuning frequencies.
  • Subjective Experience: Some musicians and listeners report a more relaxed and pleasant listening experience at A432.

Criticism of A432:

  • Modern Instrument Design: Instruments are optimized for A440 tuning, and changing this could affect their performance.
  • Lack of Scientific Consensus: The scientific community generally supports A440 as the international standard without conclusive evidence favoring A432.
  • Subjectivity: Perceptions of sound quality and effects of tuning frequencies can vary widely among individuals.


The debate between A432 and A440 tuning largely revolves around historical references, subjective experiences, and beliefs about natural resonance. Proponents of A432 often cite ancient texts and natural harmonic theories, while supporters of A440 emphasize modern standards, instrument design, and practical considerations in music performance and recording.

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