Maurice Cotterell FutureScience

Maurice Cotterell FutureScience

In 1989, Maurice Cotterell found a way of calculating the duration of long-term magnetic reversals of the Sun. Using this information he was able to break the codes of ancient sun-worshipping civilizations, fisrt the Mayas of Central America, those of Tutankhamun of Egypt, and the Viracochas of South America, before cracking the codes of the Terrcotta Warriors of China and the Celts of Europe. His unique decoding process reveals amazing pictures from archaeological treasures that explain the spiritual mysteries of life, why are born, why we die, and why this must be.

Maurice Cotterell is a British author and engineer known for his work in the field of futurology and alternative science. He has authored several books that explore topics such as ancient civilizations, solar physics, and human evolution from a unique perspective that combines scientific research with speculative theories.

One of Cotterell’s most well-known books is “The Mayan Prophecies: Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization,” co-authored with Adrian Gilbert. In this book, Cotterell and Gilbert examine the ancient Mayan civilization and their calendar system, proposing interpretations and predictions based on their understanding of Mayan cosmology and mythology.

In “FutureScience: Forbidden Science of the 21st-Century,” Cotterell presents his theories on solar physics, DNA, and human evolution. He proposes controversial ideas about the role of solar radiation in shaping human behavior and genetic mutations, suggesting connections between solar cycles, human consciousness, and historical events.

Cotterell’s work has attracted both praise and criticism from various quarters. While some readers appreciate his speculative approach and willingness to challenge conventional scientific paradigms, others criticize his theories for lacking empirical evidence and scientific rigor.

Overall, Maurice Cotterell’s books offer thought-provoking perspectives on a wide range of topics, blending scientific research with imaginative speculation to explore the mysteries of the universe and humanity’s place within it. Whether one agrees with his theories or not, Cotterell’s work has contributed to the ongoing dialogue surrounding alternative science and the exploration of new paradigms in understanding the world around us.

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