Musical Mathematical Ratios and the Engineering of Consciousness – Alexandre Tannous – Free Your Mind Conference 3 (2015-04)

Musical Mathematical Ratios and the Engineering of Consciousness

Half-step has 100 cents.

Western octave is 12 half-steps (tones, notes: C, C#, D, etc. Black and white keys on keyboard)

Indian octave has 22 tones

Persian and Arabic octave has 24 tones

Turkish octave has 53 steps

Alexandre Tannous is a musician, educator, and sound therapist known for his work exploring the intersections of music, consciousness, and healing. In his presentations, including the one at the Free Your Mind Conference 3 in 2015, Tannous likely discussed various topics related to the mathematical ratios found in music and their potential effects on consciousness and human experience.

Some key points Tannous might have covered include:

1. **Musical Ratios and Harmonics**: Tannous may have discussed how musical intervals and harmonies are based on mathematical ratios, such as the perfect fifth (3:2) or the octave (2:1). These ratios create the fundamental building blocks of music and are believed to have aesthetic and emotional significance.

2. **Resonance and Entrainment**: Tannous might have explored how sound vibrations can resonate with the human body and brain, leading to states of relaxation, focus, or altered consciousness. Entrainment refers to the phenomenon where rhythmic stimuli synchronize with biological rhythms, influencing brainwave activity and mental states.

3. **Cymatics and Visualization**: Tannous may have demonstrated the principles of cymatics, which is the study of sound vibrations’ effects on physical matter. By visualizing sound frequencies through the patterns they create in materials like sand or water, Tannous could illustrate the tangible effects of sound on form and structure.

4. **Sound Healing and Therapy**: Tannous likely discussed the potential therapeutic applications of sound and music for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Sound therapy techniques, such as toning, chanting, or using specific musical frequencies, may be explored as tools for relaxation, stress reduction, and self-exploration.

5. **Consciousness and Spiritual Experience**: Tannous might have delved into the role of music and sound in facilitating transcendent or mystical experiences. By modulating consciousness through sound, individuals may access altered states of awareness, spiritual insights, or heightened states of perception.

Overall, Tannous’s presentation at the Free Your Mind Conference likely offered a holistic exploration of the profound connections between music, mathematics, consciousness, and human potential, encouraging attendees to consider the transformative power of sound in their lives.

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