One way to “Carbon Zero” is to have No Carbon Present At All — TOYOTA CEO – ”OUR AMMONIA ENGINE IS THE END OF EV’S”

Somebody has a sense of humor … a clever.

No Carbon Present At All

Toyota has been actively researching and developing various alternative fuel technologies to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. Among these initiatives, the exploration of ammonia as a fuel for internal combustion engines is a noteworthy direction. Ammonia (NH3) has been considered a potential clean fuel because it does not emit carbon dioxide when burned, making it an attractive option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles.

Background on Ammonia as Fuel

Ammonia is a hydrogen-rich compound that can be burned in an internal combustion engine with modifications. It produces nitrogen and water vapor when combusted, without emitting carbon dioxide. The interest in ammonia as a fuel source is partly due to its high energy density and the relative ease of storage and transportation compared to pure hydrogen.

Toyota’s Interest in Ammonia

Toyota, known for its commitment to innovation and sustainability, has shown interest in a variety of green technologies, including hydrogen fuel cells, electric vehicles (EVs), and potentially ammonia-fueled engines. The company’s exploration into ammonia aligns with its broader goals of achieving carbon neutrality and diversifying the energy sources for transportation.

Challenges and Developments

While the idea of using ammonia as a fuel is promising, several challenges need to be addressed:

  1. Ammonia Production: Currently, most ammonia is produced using natural gas, which involves carbon dioxide emissions. For ammonia to be a truly green fuel, it needs to be produced using renewable energy sources.
  2. Engine Modification: Internal combustion engines require modifications to efficiently burn ammonia. Research is ongoing to optimize engine designs for ammonia use, including ignition systems and fuel delivery mechanisms.
  3. Infrastructure: The development of a supply infrastructure for ammonia fuel, including production, storage, and distribution facilities, is necessary for its widespread adoption.
  4. Safety and Public Perception: Ammonia is toxic, and handling it safely is crucial. Public acceptance of ammonia as a vehicle fuel will depend on demonstrating its safety and environmental benefits.

Toyota’s work in this area might include developing prototype engines, conducting emissions studies, and collaborating with energy companies and governments to address the production and infrastructure challenges. However, specific details about Toyota’s projects related to ammonia engines might be proprietary or in early development stages, with more information likely to emerge as the research progresses.


Toyota’s exploration of ammonia as an alternative fuel source reflects the automotive industry’s ongoing shift towards sustainable and carbon-neutral technologies. While ammonia-fueled engines hold promise for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, their practical implementation will require overcoming significant technical, infrastructural, and regulatory hurdles.

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