Los Angeles to be No longer the car capital of the world

Los Angeles to be No longer the car capital of the world

California is on the cusp of a revolutionary transformation with the rollout of “L.A. 2.0”, also known as “SmartLA 2028”, a cutting-edge smart city plan that promises to change the face of the Golden State forever. But what exactly does this ambitious initiative entail, and how will it impact the daily lives of Californians? In this video, we’ll delve into the details of “L.A. 2.0”, exploring its potential benefits and drawbacks, and examining the broader implications for the state’s economy, environment, and population. From smart transportation systems to sustainable energy solutions, we’ll cover it all. So, buckle up and join us as we explore the exciting possibilities and potential pitfalls of California’s bold new vision for the future.

And here’s the reason for the fires!!

This is absolutely terrifying! Obviously this has been in the works for decades if not more. What can we do?

Thanks for the non biased coverage. It’s not about parties they are all one big club

S.M.A.R.T. surveillance, Monitoring, Analysis, Reporting, Technology

The “wild” fire was,very focused on what it burned ….

Governor Abbott of Texas is also a member of WEF .

Oh wow 2 weeks after the fire…plans are ready! Such efficiency

How about they just skip the olympics & use that money to help everyone who has been affected by the fires.

Light rail in WA State is already breaking down after spending $154 billion.

Those remarks about the Olympics, and world cup, when the ashes are still smoldering.

I understand the concept of smart cities but don’t understand why anyone would want to live in one.

Smart LA Plan is terrifying and it’s being implemented deceitfully. — Thanks Traci and good research Shane.

Weirdest thing — the near Total Silence of supposed ‘celebrities’ who were undoubtedly burned out in LA wildphyres.

Every time I hear about a smart City all I think about is that mass wave of radiation. Advanced technology will definitely change the climate

Smart city for billionaires. Slums for everyone else. — just like in 2014 movie ELYSIUM with A-actors DAMON and FOSTER

Very disturbing!! I’m certain 99% of us will not comply! — Your non-compliance will cost you, more and more, per Their system

Your phone will be used to confine you

Boy, the movie Minority Report in 2002 is represented heavily in the elites plan.

We had spontaneous unforecasted tornadoes come through Rogers Arkansas last Memorial day that cleared the way for the smart city.

The natural people of the world should boycott all Olympics, ensuring a financial failure. That includes NOT watching it on tv.

Scary especially the digital stuff, data sharing, pre-crime

Problem is that they will continue this arson on the public. This is wall street. No accountability at all while using laser or DEW on neighborhoods they want

I live in Clark county Washington State. They are building tons of apartments that are tax exempt for 8 years because they are considered low income. But only 10% has to be for low income. We are also one of I believe 3 counties to start monitoring how much we drive by the end of 2025. The goal is to not have us driving eventually. So homes are being built with only 1 car garages. Soon cars will be EV’s so they can turn your car off or not allow to charge. Oh! And no more natural gas in new homes. Everything electric

Here in state of WA they are also planning to charge “by the mile”. They claim it’s due to ev cars not buying gas which contributes around .45cents per gallon. Not sure when it starts

Rail access is underutilized unless the government bans private cars, and people have no other way to get around.

I’m having a very eerie thought…. Is it possible that the LA fires were planned to hasten these plans???

Since “Build Back Better” was a WEF slogan, it’s a safe fact that Newsom got his new slogan not from Biden, but from Klaus Schwab…

You will live in our Disneyland cage and be happy.

I live in the L.A. area, and this is starting to feel more and more like 1984.

WEF ~ We Enjoy Fires

Your ability to travel will depend on your social score.

The annual homeowner’s insurance paid by all houses in LA county for a year would rebuild every structure burned. As it is, only 10% of the approximate 250 billion loss will be covered by insurance. Shows how much they had canceled everyone. also shows just how much money insurance companies are making on homeowners insurance. pretty state range that the county didn’t do something when the policies were going up in price. Looks like cities should self insure for wildfires. The insurance companies could cover flood and wind damage.

Its the same here in the uk crime is rife

No wonder my samsung health app is requesting permission to release health data to third parties overseas.

17:20 Here’s why they conned everyone into passing Prop 36

Not just Los Angeles. Los Angeles is huge. More specifically Pacific Palisades, Malibu and Altadena, Paradise, CA snd Lahaina Maui

The roads will be used for Government and what they deem “essential workers”. Nobody else.

Ck out ESCAPE FROM L.A ending

Does anyone know if there is a resource showing all of the US cities with these Smart Plans?

The cars are going away…. Eventually no cars…..

1:44 6uild 6ack 6etter…

How convenient. Like the 300+ page PATRIOT act that appeared overnight.

If you look up any person involved in our government, pretty much all of them have something in common. Look at their early life/education. — Jesuit edu — Funny thing is Jesuits literally exist to “counter” Protestants all non-Catho “heretics”. Perhaps that “countering” includes omission, deception, deceit… 90 degrees minus the supposed 23.4 degrees of “tilt” is 66.6

In a 15 minute city or a “Smart” city, the goal is for nobody to have a vehicle and everything is within 15 minutes walking or biking distance. So what happens if they decide to set fire to your 15 minute city? What if there is a tsunami or some other reason you’d need to evacuate in a hurry? — They won’t need to ‘set fire’, They will simply turn up the microwave radiation and slow-cook everyone, gaining from the consequent sickness. See KINGSMAN SECRET SERVICE 2014 movie which shows precisely Their Plan, or pretty much ‘close enough’.

also, check out the movie, The Giver. it is about smart city controlled with AI, and everyone is slaves, wearing neutral simple uniform.

What’s taking place resembles what is in the movie “Demolition Man” from 93.

You can expect more fires worldwide as the smart cities are being deployed. Just my little finger telling me, but what does it know?

24 years ago fires didn’t melt car engines…

San Diego is almost done with the SMART CITY AGENDA bike lanes,bus lanes high-rise apartments all over downtown and Hillcrest. Little Italy is building 24 story apartment buildings this year also. Thanks for sharing your research.

Japan has a ‘Living Lab’ grid city now, at base of Mt Fuji. 300people now & soon 2,000.

There is a list of names and companies that attended davos in the last couple years, it’s crucial you find it because you won’t believe who is all involved

The only ones who will benefit from this disaster are the friends of the mayor and the governor, greedy land developers, and wealthy speculators. Everyone else will suffer, losing everything of value they ever owned. I only hope the one’s responsible will pay.


Los Angeles to be No longer the car capital of the world

Biometrics, IoT, Pre-Crime

20250124 083802



hello everyone I'm Tracy and I'm here with Shane and in today's video uh we're
going to be going into the details of La 2.0 the Redevelopment of La it's been
going on for years but I feel like now with these recent fires is going to go into overdrive so I wanted to provide
details about uh what we could expect going forward and what has already been done now this information is public it's
been put out to the public um years ago so um this is not uh opinions this is
like straight research and released information but there's not a lot of
press and there's not a lot of exposure so I wanted to um give some give you guys somewhere to go where you can learn
all about it um before we get started if you haven't subscribed so before you leave and like comment and share this
video especially for those that are in this area that um really should be aware of the changes going on in their city so
um something I do want to start out with is a speech from Trump and this is his
pre-inauguration speech and I'll I'll let you hear what he has to say about
these recent fires and the um La 2.0 plan tonight I also want to send our
love to everyone affected by the terrible wildfires raging in California we're praying for you all we
love you all we're going to be there very soon I'm going to go out there on Friday to see it and to get it moving
back we're going to get some of the best builders in the world we'll get it moving back together we will rebuild Los
Angeles better more beautiful than ever before we're going to get it going we have the best
builders in the world it's the only people that could do it nobody else knows what the hell they're doing and in
2028 the Los Angeles Olympics will be one of the great sporting events and
patriotic celebrations in history I was with Giani the head of the Olympics and
because of the wildfires they're going to do a special special job they're going to really do something very
special on the Olympics and the opposite some people said oh maybe the Olympics can't go there it turned out just the
opposite they came to see me the other day and the committee and it's just the opposite so the Olympics is great and
Johnny for the others you know the World Cup Johnny is the head of it we had our
top people waserman they all came in on the Olympics and then I saw Johnny and we
got the World Cup too and you know I got both of them I got the Olympics and I
got the World Cup and I said you know it's too bad one was in 2026 and the
other was in 2028 so Johnny thank you for the World Cup and everybody thank you for the
Olympics we're going to have a great great time all right so um I did want to say
that I'm very happy with a lot of the decisions and the actions that he's taken since um stepping into office but
I I did want to share with you guys his opinion on on these plans that we're going to be discussing so um Shane I'll
let you discuss all this information that you found all right thanks Tracy um I do
want to say that the only thing I really agree with so far that Trump has done is that he freed Ross s and uh so that's
like one of the biggest things that I'm I guess happiest about but I'm suspicious about everything else that
he's up to so I'm GNA keep a close eye on him all right so now as far as the Palisades fire goes it started on
January 7th of this year and it has grown to over 20,000 Acres now um but
what most people are probably not aware of is that the day before on January 6th
Governor New was marking the track laying phase of the high-speed rail with completion of Key Construction and continued
partnership so he had joined Community leaders and workers to celebrate the beginning of the track laying phase and
substantial completion of a 22 Mile Stretch now um this is all part of his
plan called building California whose motto is build more faster and it almost
sounds like he got help from Biden on that mod that slogan there uh so now
anyway this involves over $180 billion dollar invested into California's uh
infrastructure and that includes you know Broadband for you know stealing our data and tracking us um more expensive
forms of energy generation uh when it says environmental restoration they mean kicking people out of the Wildland Urban
interface um you know semiconductors for you know 5G Tech and Smart City Tech uh
streamlined product s to uh you know have all of these plans done by the time
the World Cup and the Olympics come to town uh transportation to make it less
convenient to drive cars than it would be to take the bus or to walk uh it involves control over the water supply
and zero emission Vehicles so that any vehicle you do have will most likely be an EV with zero
emissions um one thing I wanted to point out about Gavin Newsome is that he is a member of the world economic Forum or
WF along with tulsey gabard
um zolinski Kim Jong-un uh Trudeau and mron from France
so that is one heck of a list there of uh World economic Forum young global
leaders as they call them and so we've seen these young global leaders planted in a lot of uh a lot of positions which
includes mayor Garcetti who was the previous the former mayor of La who
launched a green New Deal in 2019 which includes uh making La carbon
neutral by 2050 as well as a commitment to uphold the Paris climate agreement
which was an agreement in 2015 or 16 that over almost 200 countries had
signed away their sovereignty to this climate agreement which was made by the
un uh the climate Changers themselves and another it shows here that they're
trying to zero out Los Angeles's main source of harmful emissions it also includes uh a 50%
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 which is this year which outpaces
the standard set by the United Nations ipcc report which is the intergovernmental panel on climate
change and that comes straight from the climate Changers themselves all right it also includes the signed a fossil fuel
streets declaration alongside other 11 other C40 Mayors now C40 is something
that has been brought to my attention by the viewers and I did come across it when I was covering the Jasper fire and
Alberta so the strong cities Network and the C40 Network it's all intricately
linked to uh these smart City plans and that's we'll probably cover you know C40
and strong cities in a future video all right so mayor Garcetti
about a year after the green New Deal he had said quote the so of our recovery
will shape the Contours of our City's future for decades to come we have a blueprint for the city of the future now
that blueprint that he was referring to was smart La 2028 which is the Smart
City strategy for the city of Los Angeles and uh he was allowed to put his
name on this but he didn't come up with it himself I know he's taken a lot of credit for this but this is handed down
to you know the Mayors from on high you know the UN sustainable development
goals for 2030 they hand these plans out to every locality and uh they let the uh
the local politicians take as much credit as possible for this now this is basically an overview for the smart city
which is based on several other plans that were previously made so there's the 20120 long range Transportation plan the
vision 2028 Metro strategic plan the MBS or moving beyond sustainability
plan uh among many others which includes these Transit oriented communities Now
transit oriented development is a theme that we've seen running through pretty much every Smart City plan that I've
investigated so far and it involves making it more convenient to transit to
take transit walk or bike than to drive and I interpret that as making it less
convenient to drive than the other modalities of Transportation they also at the bottom here say one of their
policy goals is to stabilize and strengthen communities around the transit areas now these are usually
known as opportunity zones and usually within a quarter to half mile of a
transit station there's going to be a lot of Redevelopment projects such as affordable housing mixed use development
and so forth now I know a lot of people are wondering if there are any plans for the Palisades and there actually are so
the Palisades has planned for mixed use multifam
developments um in in the Palisades now what I want to point out is that Palisades has traditionally been zoned
for R1 zoning which is single family zoning but the fact that these plans
have been approved either by mayor Garcetti or perhaps Karen bass she's probably read into this so she at least
knows about it however it appears that Palisades is being rezoned for multif
family mixed use development so even though Governor Nome denies having any involvement in the rezoning of Palisades
Palisades is being rezoned and it's most likely one of the Mayors either former
or current that had a hand in that now I just wanted to point out that Palisades is not an Olympic venue so it is uh it
is not part of the Olympic um the Olympic you know development but um it
is part of the Smart City plans all right so what are the Olympic venues so these are the Olympic venues that are
coming to uh Los Angeles now the majority of the venues are divided into clusters known as Sports Parks which
will be situated in Downtown LA the San Fernando Val Valley and Long Beach the
Olympic Village will be situated at UCLA campus while the University of Southern
California will host the media Village the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and the Rose Bowl will host Athletics and
soccer and the crypto.com Arina will host gymnastics and the the Intuit Dome
will host basketball the Stadium will host the football finals and Sofi
Stadium will host swimming events uh Riviera Country Club will host golf the
Orange County Great Park in Irvine is a potential venue for the cricket
competitions uh there is going to be like I said swimming at uh the Sofi
stadium and artistic swimming at Long Beach Beach and Diving at the historic Los Angeles swim stadium while equ
equestrian was moved to Tula California now of these projects mayor Garcetti has
given accelerated PRI priority to uh the projects that are involved for the Olympics and he calls this the 28 by28
initiative so there's 28 projects seen here which includes mostly Rail and bus
transit projects there's a couple of Interstate projects that involve Expressway Lanes but the one I wanted to
point out here was the bus only Lanes they are planning on actually reducing
the number of car lanes and increasing the number of bus lanes and bike lanes and even widening the sidewalks for
pedestrians so that's going to uh increase the other modalities of travel but decrease the efficiency of travel by
private car now of these projects the ones that are in and around the Sofi
stadium in Englewood California are going to be redeveloped even faster at warp speed so to speak because there's
only about 500 days left until the World Cup kicks off at Sofi stadium in
Englewood California and even the World Cup page has a section on human rights
and they addressed potential human rights impacts they say that the World Cup has asked each of the prospective
host cities in Canada Mexico and the United States to submit a human rights stakeholder engagement report as part of
their bid to host the games during the World Cup up in 26 in these reports cities were expected to set out how they
are working and will continue to work with stakeholders to identify and address potential human rights impacts
associated with hosting the tournament and to maximize opportunities for a positive human rights
Legacy now when it comes to a positive human rights Legacy I don't think that's going to be very likely to come out of
this I think what we're going to see is a Showcase of Human Rights impacts and a negative human rights Legacy that comes
comes out of this Redevelopment plan and relocation plan uh because there's going to be a lot of people who are in the way
of this construction that need to be moved by whatever means possible now that could be another fire but now that
they have their emergency powers and their imminent domain they might just invoke imminent domain and saes for the
greater good and I do want to really um quickly because I drive in La a lot the
um like the Expo line the Kline in some areas it goes through major streets
so um there are areas where I get stopped and areas that are already completely backed up it stops for the
metro to pass and there are a couple places where I get stuck here and I
noticed the Metros are not being occupied the ridership has got to be
very low and um I'll be honest I was excited when the Metro came um through
my area and we did take it a few times to downtown and I thought it was uh I thought it would
be a good option but like when 2020 rolled around I noticed a lot of people
uh spending their whole day on the on the Metro um people that don't have a
place to live you know they got out of the Heat or the cold and um it just became you know it kind of started to
feel unsafe and unsanitary when there was a couple homeless people in in the in the car um
so I will verify that the traffic has been worse with these Metro lines and
they're not being heavily utilized recently yeah so now the World Cup is
going to be kicked off at Sofi Stadium which is in Englewood and there are various other projects in Englewood um
there's going to be a high-rise hotel near the Sofi stadium and it looks like
the Intuit Dome is actually already completed and there's also going to be mixed use development as well it may
already be zoned that way I'm not sure but then there's also a large affordable
housing project that's going to be at sentinella in Englewood as well now as Tracy mentioned you know
they have to complete this K line which uh connects to the blue expo line that goes to Santa Monica and it runs through
Englewood and it will eventually connect to LAX and that is going to be warp speeded to be done by 2026 six before
the the World Cup kicks off at Sofi in Inglewood now this is all part of the
vision 2028 Metro strategic plan which plans to connect all of Los Angeles City
at least and all of the Olympic venues by Rail and by bus by 2028 now these rail projects actually
also dovetail and connect with the highspeed uh the high-speed rail network
that Gavin Newsome has proposed now you can see the Southwest High-Speed Rail starts in San Diego and connects San
Diego to Los Angeles which some are calling San Angeles and it continues all
the way up to San Francisco and even to Sacramento now in Sacramento is where it connects to the
North Valley Rail Project which is proposed to head north towards Orville
and Chico and some alternate proposed routes even take it through Paradise California as we know all of those have
suffered major fires in recent years all right so now this is part of
their plan to make La the no longer the car capital of the world they plan to
get rid of all of the privately driven cars in La by
2028 and uh that's going to be a tall order and it's going to require probably some sort of draconian measures to take
place between now and then they also say in the same graphic here that uh they
are going to use proactive technology that identifies fire violence and other
risks to the health and safety of La residents even before a 911 call now
that implies you know their their biometric cameras and scanners and
artificial intelligence with Predictive Analytics it's basically pre-crime which I'll get to more of that later now some
of the smart city data points that we have here are that they will be using iot which which is internet of things
that's going to be a network of sensors that's connected to 5G and it details
the realtime tracking and movements of uh EV just about everything every device
and even Internet of Things um there's going to be RFID tags that have been
miniaturized and they will be inserted in non-electronic devices even clothing such as you know shoes pants and shirts
may actually contain these Internet of Things RFID tags that can be tracked
everywhere around La with the sensors that are being put in place now they also talk about smart city data and
tools practices which include uh effective cross Department government to
resident government to business and machine to machine information sharing and what they left out here was the
resident to government information sharing which is going to be sharing all of your data with the government and the
corporations they work with um another thing that they talk about here is Smart City connectivity and digital inclusion
which is integrating public and private offerings which is basically uh public private Partnerships also known as
fascism to uh to keep track of uh to keep track of all of this stuff uh one
of the programs that's involved is called digital or data angels and data Angels uses a lens of equity whatever
that means to scrape and mine data stitch together insights and provide
policy recommendations now this is all part of their electronic social governance which uh is going to be you
know a lot of policy is going to be governed by AI or electronically and uh
I know I've brought that up before but I just wanted to show that you know this is part of the plan all right and I go on to Smart
policing which enables a safer Los Angeles by enabling proactive community
outreach to prevent future crime now this is those Predictive Analytics that I was talking about out and the
Biometrics that are going to track everyone also through internet of things so everyone will be tracked in real time
and Predictive Analytics will be used to predict when you are about to commit a
crime now if anyone has seen the Tom Cruz movie Minority Report this is a
very dystopian version of that that is coming to pass all right so now this is based on
the I3 Consortium which uh along with the city of Los Angeles and other P public and
private Partners have formed a Consortium to develop an open- Source platform called the intelligent iot
integrator or I3 and it's going to use realtime Internet of Things data streams
between device owners and third-party applications this also includes security
camera data aggregation which is going to include Biometrics and uh so
forth all right so la is a founding member of the world Council on city data
which enables the cities which enables cities to use data to design and measure the performance of city services and
quality of life impacts on its communities it goes on to say that the city of Los Angeles serves as one of the
leaders to set the global agenda for standardizing city data so it almost
looks like this is going to be a model for the for the rest of the country if not the rest of the
world now one of their timelines here shows that they are currently already
expanded environmental C sensors across LA and this is allegedly to inform you
know remediation of Environmental Quality concerns like noise and air quality but it's going to be so much more than that now over the course of
the next year they're going to be building their Internet of Things platform through public private
Partnerships also known as a form of techn fascism uh Now by 2028 their goal is to
deploy deoy the smart grid to deploy and build to build and deploy the smart grid for La for continuous monitoring of not
just the power grid but it also says to empower customers to control and limit their power consumption by 2028 which is
kind of ironic that they use that wording Empower because it's really empowering customers to disempower
themselves which is kind of ironic all right so this brings up security and
ethical concerns with Smart City infrastructure the proliferation of smart City infrastructure has resulted
in substantial concerns around cyber security for example securing Internet of Things devices and potential
unethical uses of smart City infrastructure for the detriment of residents uh so their challenges include
increasing security issues related to the exponential increase in smart devices and data sharing interfaces as
well as smart smart infrastructure like facial recognition high-speed connectivity sensors Etc which can be
used to discriminate against specific communities such as truthers and so
forth all right now continues on to say that data privacy concerns uh as the
city of Los Angeles inent takes more and more data whether personal or deidentified they must be cognizant of
Resident privacy concerns and take steps to ensure the ethical use of this data their challenge includes public concerns
about government data privacy bias surveillance and security and so yeah I just wanted to
say that uh that is actually one of the main goals is to steal our data and use
it to track and predict everything we're going to do and um of course you know
that does raise privacy concerns as well as you know security concerns over our
data and how it will be used you know as you going through that uh I just kept
thinking of all these similarities with Maui um again with the pre-crime and how
the police Chief is trying to roll this out and um something else I just kind of
uh made the connection is the crime so if you're living in La it's it's you
know that the crime is really out of control especially theft and the
homeless problem is is really out of control um a lot of that is going on in Maui as well crime is on the rise
there's a very like laxidasical attitude about U Prosecuting criminals
and um maybe this was kind of let go for a reason to justify this new form of law
enforcement less about the personal uh interactions with an officer and more
about AI but everyone should be terrified of the idea that AI is going to identify people as someone that is
probably going to commit a crime because you can be completely innocent and be
considered a potential criminal right but all under the GU of security and
safety you know we're going to keep you guys safe but in order to do that we need all your data and we need to track
you track you because you know the real criminals need to be tracked but they don't realize they're going to be
tracking they're not going to limit that to certain individuals and um a lot of this
especially recently I've seen it um materialize the the cars the um
really uh quick development of the Metros and um the kind of taking away of
the the old La of like neighborhoods with single family homes um a lot of the
areas including mine is rezoned for multifam use so a a plot of land that
was only for a single family home I believe one of the um
bills is now allowing a single plot to hold four units so four apartments or a
four family duplex and if you're in a certain distance from a Transit line I
don't know if they mean bus or simply Metro but if you're within I think
a is it like a half a mile I did a I I I put a video up with someone explaining
it do you remember what it was was it's between a quarter and a half mile from the transit stations which includes both
the Bus and The Rail stations okay so if you're within that distance which a lot of neighborhoods are you can put up to
10 units on a single family property that's really
crazy because plots in LA are not that big you know six 7,000 square feet I
just can't imagine how the infrastructure is going to support that
especially parking I mean parking is already so difficult and then if you're going to have 10 Families versus
one um I guess you're going to have to build a parking structure I don't know well they're
they're planning on actually less lanes for uh private traffic and less parking spaces for private traffic also because
they don't want us to have a car they're trying to make it prohibitively expensive and they're also trying to
make it take much longer than it already does at least for the cars however the buses are going to have their own lanes
and the bikes will have their own Lanes you know but it's GNA slow down the cars progressively more difficult and
inconvenient to own a car yeah and I know U the the bike lane
thing has been going on for a while and um there was a period where a
lot of people were putting their biking outfit on and going biking biking to work
I I kind of feel like that died I mean I I just don't see it very often and um
it's kind of dangerous because the biking Lane is right next to where the cars are and there's not always a median
there's actually often not literally the car lane and then there's this little bike lane and um I do feel like unsafe
driving with that a cyclist like right next to me especially if you're going fast I mean
they will be adding some express lanes to the interstates and so forth however I do know that the plan is to reduce the
number of car Lanes even though they're adding express lanes um I do believe express lanes are not free to use and
eventually okay and I think the plan is eventually to uh to limit the the
automobile traffic at least the privately driven automobile traffic to these like uh express lanes or high
occupancy vehicle Lanes which are uh which are charged and so they you know
eventually the plan is to have all of the privately driven cars to be charged
PR pretty much by the mile for all of the miles that they travel so at some point you're not going to be able to
drive anywhere without paying for it right they call it FasTrack is the the company that runs the express lanes and
um not too long ago I got accidentally put onto an express lane going to Orange
County and um I didn't realize I wasn't planning to use the paid freeway but um
there you can't get out of it because once you're going on that lane you're you're forced to go go there and they
take a picture of your license plate and you get charged and you don't have that much time to pay it I think I had like
oh seven to 10 days it wasn't terribly expensive you know like I think it was like $3 like.
75 but um I didn't like choose choose to use that lane so if you're not familiar
with that area it's very easy to get caught in one of these paid freeways um but I did
notice that I thought yeah I was really annoyed that I was routed that way but I
do see that as becoming uh more widespread right now it's not not
terribly common but it's starting to be more common um and um just yeah so many
things that you were saying that remind me of what Maui is going through and I
just want to remind everyone we put this all in our book we mapped out you know
everything that happened in Maui how it aligned to the devastation there and how
they're going about this rebuild and they did change up the words
but it's so much it's just more of the same as Maui you know they said build
back better and now it's build back F or build faster build more faster build more
faster and then I think the the last one the strong movement it's like La strong
return and rebuild and I guess the wef likes these
catchphrases which very communist to me
seeming but um yeah and I remember also the police chief said that he wants to
make that department a a blueprint for not just the state but the
country yeah and I feel like they're kind of repeating that with LA like this
is going to be the blueprint yeah everywhere they do these plans they think that you know they're
going to make it the blueprint or the model for the country yeah and then yeah a lot of
these things are really terrifying but uh it's not just La it's it's many City
cities and it's not just in the US but I hope this helps everyone um you know
learn more about the agendas that are are being set forth and I I really want
to caution people that are in LA in in Southern California even down to San Diego there's a lot of stuff going down
there there are also some plans for um Orange County so I just wanted to bring
awareness to what's going on because no one else is
really or I mean I don't know of any other channel or mainstream Network that
is presenting this information as it is you know they always have some spin on it about how wonderful it's going to be
but they don't go into the details of how they're going to get there and this is how they're going to get there so I
hope this helps you guys out a lot was there anything else Shane that you wanted to add no that's everything okay
so thank you so much for all that read research that was amazing and um you
know I've been in La for a long time and I didn't know almost any of this you know all I knew was the Sofi Stadium had
football games I didn't know about the bigger picture and so um I hope everyone
else you know gets a better idea of what's going on so that they can prepare and U make better decisions for
themselves so uh yeah that's going to do it for today thank you gu

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