Bushwhacking Tartaria Interview with Michelle Gibson on Star Forts Cathedrals Resonance Healing — Astonishing research info

Bushwhacking Tartaria Interview with Michelle Gibson on Star Forts Cathedrals Resonance Healing

Excellent interview, wide-ranging information.


Michelle Gibson is a researcher and author known for her work on topics related to alternative history, ancient civilizations, sacred geometry, and energy phenomena. While she has discussed various subjects in her research, including star forts, cathedrals, resonance, and healing, it’s important to note that her work is often considered speculative and controversial within mainstream academic circles.

Here are some key themes that Michelle Gibson has explored in her research:

1. Star Forts: Gibson has discussed the architectural design and purported symbolism of star forts, which are a type of fortification characterized by a star-shaped layout with protruding bastions or points. Some researchers, including Gibson, have proposed that star forts may have served purposes beyond military defense, such as energy manipulation, spiritual symbolism, or navigation aids.

2. Cathedrals: Gibson has examined the construction and symbolism of cathedrals, particularly Gothic cathedrals in Europe. She has suggested that these structures incorporate principles of sacred geometry and esoteric knowledge, and may have served as energetic centers or healing spaces in addition to their religious functions.

3. Resonance: Gibson has explored the concept of resonance and its potential effects on human consciousness, health, and well-being. She has suggested that certain architectural features, materials, or locations may resonate with specific frequencies or energies, influencing the environment and individuals within it.

4. Healing: Gibson has discussed various holistic and alternative healing modalities, including energy healing, sound therapy, and vibrational medicine. She has proposed that ancient structures, natural landscapes, and sacred sites may possess healing properties or energetic qualities that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

While Gibson’s research may offer alternative perspectives on history, architecture, and consciousness, it is important to approach her work critically and evaluate claims based on empirical evidence and scholarly consensus. Some of the ideas and interpretations put forth by Gibson and others in the alternative history community may lack scientific validation or rely on speculative assumptions. As with any interdisciplinary inquiry, it is essential to maintain skepticism and rigorously evaluate claims in light of available evidence and established principles of scholarship.

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