Can you not hear the stark differences between 200 2k 20k and 200k guitars

Can you not hear the stark differences between 200 2k 20k and 200k guitars

Brandon Acker importance of characteristics —

Playability – not fighting the player



Projection (un-trapped)

Sustain – all fundamental, no overtone, coloration

Notes on guitars and price points —

$200 guitar – overbuilt inside for abuse, cheap laminated top.  Sound is trapped, no colored overtones.

$2k guitar – solid top but laminated sides and back.  Sound has immediate booming / blooming resonance (deemed good).  Nice bass end, good for drop-D tuning.  Action in mid fingerboard begins to fight player.  Huge change from $200 guitar.

$20k guitar – Brune (Segovia).  Brazilian rosewood sides and back; bearclaw top.  Resonance is immediately even, not bass-heavy booming.  The feel, the timbre, the ease of playing is night-and-day.  Lots of overtones, amazing sustain.  16:05 “wow, the clarity”.  Super clear.  Precise.  18:23 — “It becomes an extension of you. … We want the tool to be as invisible as possible; we want the immediacy of the intention to reach the audience uninhibited.”  Halo of overtones.

$200k guitar – Herman Hauser (manuf).  Comparatively light; better balance.  Good smell.  Settles into player’s body, doesn’t tend to fall away.   Sweet sounding E right away, tuning blew him away within a few notes.  When playing, the other guitars in the room also resonated.  Inertia of sound, a solidity without overbearing.  Tone and clarity and also power, immediately noticeable on the recording (no changes made to recording equipment).  Maybe doing 25% of the work he was doing with the $200 guitar.  So sweet.

Can you not hear the stark differences between 200 2k 20k and 200k guitars

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