Eric Dollard On Music and Harmonics – Spokane, WA 2015

Eric Dollard On Music and Harmonics

Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds – Ancient Sounds to Advance Consciousness

Ancient Sounds to Advance Consciousness

Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz

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Cymatics Experiment Convert Your Music To 432Hz Tesla said it. Einstein Agreed. Science proved it. It is a fact that everything–including our own bodies–is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, can sound frequencies affect us? They sure can. Frequencies affect frequencies; much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the … Read more

Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

Dall·e 2024 06 11 04.10.01 a mystical and serene depiction of the concept forgotten in time the ancient solfeggio frequencies. the scene features an ancient temple or sacred

Forgotten in Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies – “Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies” is a title often associated with a concept in alternative healing and esoteric spirituality. It refers to the idea that certain specific sound frequencies, known as the Solfeggio frequencies, have ancient origins and possess healing properties.