Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

Ancient musical scales vibe with nature.


“Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies” is a title often associated with a concept in alternative healing and esoteric spirituality. It refers to the idea that certain specific sound frequencies, known as the Solfeggio frequencies, have ancient origins and possess healing properties.

The Solfeggio frequencies are a set of musical tones with specific frequencies that allegedly correspond to different aspects of human consciousness, energy, and healing. The frequencies are said to have been used in ancient Gregorian chants and sacred music traditions for their purported spiritual and therapeutic effects.

Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

The traditional Solfeggio scale consists of six frequencies:

1. UT – 396 Hz
2. RE – 417 Hz
3. MI – 528 Hz
4. FA – 639 Hz
5. SOL – 741 Hz
6. LA – 852 Hz

Proponents of the Solfeggio frequencies claim that each frequency has unique properties and benefits, such as:

– 396 Hz: Associated with liberating guilt and fear, and facilitating change and transformation.
– 417 Hz: Linked to undoing situations and facilitating change and personal growth.
– 528 Hz: Known as the “Love frequency,” associated with DNA repair, healing, and spiritual awakening.
– 639 Hz: Related to relationships, harmony, and emotional connections.
– 741 Hz: Associated with intuition, problem-solving, and self-expression.
– 852 Hz: Linked to spiritual enlightenment and expanding consciousness.

Advocates of the Solfeggio frequencies suggest various ways to use them for healing and personal development, such as listening to music or tones at these frequencies, incorporating them into meditation practices, or using them in sound therapy sessions.

While the idea of the Solfeggio frequencies has gained popularity in certain alternative healing and New Age circles, it is important to note that scientific evidence supporting their specific healing properties is limited. Critics argue that claims about the Solfeggio frequencies are not based on empirical research and may be based more on myth and pseudoscience.

As with any alternative healing modality, individuals should approach the Solfeggio frequencies with critical thinking and skepticism, and consult with qualified healthcare professionals for any medical or psychological concerns.

The Solfeggio scale is a collection of specific musical tones that have been claimed to possess various healing and spiritual properties. This concept has roots in ancient music theory but gained modern popularity through alternative healing communities and some New Age circles. The scale is often associated with a set of six frequencies that were believed to be used in sacred music, including Gregorian Chants.

Origins and History

The original Solfeggio scale is derived from a form of musical notation used in Medieval times, known as the “Guidonian hand,” attributed to the Benedictine monk Guido of Arezzo. This method was a teaching tool for singing and understanding music, using syllables (Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La) to denote pitches in a hexachord (a six-note scale). However, the specific set of frequencies now referred to as the “Solfeggio frequencies” was popularized much later and is not directly linked to Guido of Arezzo’s work.

The Frequencies

The six original Solfeggio frequencies are often listed as follows, with each tone said to have specific healing properties or effects:

396 Hz: Liberating guilt and fear
417 Hz: Undoing situations and facilitating change
528 Hz: Transformation and miracles (DNA repair)
639 Hz: Connecting/relationships
741 Hz: Awakening intuition
852 Hz: Returning to spiritual order

Some proponents of the Solfeggio frequencies have extended the list to include additional tones, each associated with different aspects of healing and spiritual growth.

Scientific Evidence and Skepticism

The claims regarding the healing and transformative properties of the Solfeggio frequencies are largely anecdotal and lack rigorous scientific evidence. Critics argue that the historical basis for these frequencies is dubious, and there is no empirical data to support the specific effects attributed to each tone. The field of music therapy recognizes the general benefits of music on health and well-being, but it does not endorse the Solfeggio frequencies as having unique or specific healing powers beyond those of music in general.

Modern Use

Despite the skepticism from the scientific community, the Solfeggio frequencies have found a place in various practices related to meditation, mindfulness, and alternative healing. They are used in recordings, sound therapy sessions, and personal wellness practices by individuals who report positive experiences and benefits, including stress reduction, emotional healing, and enhanced meditation.


The Solfeggio scale and its associated frequencies represent an interesting intersection between ancient musical traditions, modern spirituality, and alternative healing practices. While the specific claims about the healing powers of these frequencies remain controversial and unsupported by mainstream science, they continue to be a topic of interest for those exploring the potential of sound and music as tools for personal and spiritual development.

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