Vortex Based Mathematics Marko Rodin Randy Powell Enneagram of Gurdjieff

Vortex Based Mathematics Marko Rodin Randy Powell Enneagram of Gurdjieff

The Vortex Based Mathematics (VBM) Presentation featuring Marko Rodin and Randy Powell explores the mathematical principles and concepts proposed by Marko Rodin, who developed a unique mathematical framework based on vortex mathematics. This presentation delves into Rodin’s theories about the fundamental nature of numbers, geometry, and the universe, as well as their potential applications in various fields.

Vortex Based Mathematics is based on the idea that numbers have a vortex-like structure and can be understood through patterns and relationships inherent in the number system. According to Rodin, these patterns reveal a fundamental unity and coherence underlying all mathematical phenomena, from the structure of atoms to the movements of celestial bodies.

The presentation likely covers various topics related to Vortex Based Mathematics, including:

1. The Rodin Coil: Marko Rodin is known for his invention of the Rodin Coil, a unique coil design that purportedly harnesses the mathematical principles of vortex mathematics to produce energy effects. The presentation may explore the theoretical basis of the Rodin Coil and its potential applications in energy generation and other fields.

2. Mathematical Patterns: Rodin’s mathematical framework emphasizes the importance of specific number patterns, such as the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Ratio, and the Prime Number Cross, which he believes play a fundamental role in the structure and organization of the universe.

3. Unified Field Theory: Rodin’s work has been associated with attempts to develop a unified field theory that integrates the principles of electromagnetism, gravity, and quantum mechanics into a single coherent framework. The presentation may discuss Rodin’s ideas about the underlying unity of physical forces and their relationship to mathematical principles.

4. Enneagram of Gurdjieff: The Enneagram is a symbol with roots in ancient spiritual traditions, which was popularized in the West by George Gurdjieff, a spiritual teacher and philosopher. It is used as a tool for self-discovery, personal development, and understanding the dynamics of human personality. The presentation may explore connections between Vortex Based Mathematics and the Enneagram, particularly in terms of their symbolic significance and potential applications for understanding consciousness and spiritual evolution.

Overall, the Vortex Based Mathematics Presentation featuring Marko Rodin and Randy Powell offers insights into a unique mathematical framework that seeks to uncover the underlying patterns and principles governing the universe, with potential implications for science, technology, and spirituality.

Numerology, the number 9, and much more. A new way to conceptualize with number theory.

Take any number (except divisible by 3) and double it, double it, double it, etc, six times, writing down each doubled result.

Evaluate each doubled result, adding together the values of all digits; do this recursively until only a single digit remains for each number.  2 becomes 2.  22 becomes 4.  222 becomes 44 becomes 8.  779 becomes 23 becomes 5.

Every time, the resulting sequence will be

1 .. 2 .. 4 .. 8 .. 7 .. 5

Plotting that onto a number-wheel (below) shows what is called a Gurdjieff Enneagram, what Marko Rodin calls the number of fingerprint of God.



Vortex Based Mathematics Marko Rodin Randy Powell Enneagram of Gurdjieff

Image from https://www.gurdjieff.justwizard.com/Enneagram.html

…and from that blog:

“More importantly, is the assignment of the 7 positions of the octave as follows: ‘re’ to position 1, ‘mi’ to position 2, ‘fa’ to position 4, ‘sol’ to position 5, ‘la’ to position 7 and ‘ti’ to position 8. The apex of the triangle at 9 is then ‘do’ to represent lower ‘do’ and its completion at the higher ‘do’. Thus the Gurdjieff Enneagram incorporates the law of Seven (Heptaparaparshinokh), the law of Three (Triamazikamno), the law of Ninefoldness, the sacred law of Six (the inner lines), and the law of Twelve (the intersection of these lines with the inner triangle).”

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