Eric Dollard On Music and Harmonics – Spokane, WA 2015

Eric Dollard On Music and Harmonics

Conversation with Telsa-scientist Eric P. Dollard. Interviewed by Charles Roland Berry & Yogi Robert Emin. This is a true story of suppressed technology. Some powerful people don’t want the rest of us to have access to new technology– unless of course those people can make billions of dollars from the rest of us. Professor Dollard no longer works in the radio or energy- he cares more about music. And, no one has found a way to suppress music, at least not yet.

Eric P. Dollard is an electrical engineer and researcher known for his unconventional theories and ideas in the fields of electrical engineering, physics, and music. While I couldn’t find specific information about a presentation by Eric P. Dollard on music and harmonics in Spokane, WA in 2015, it’s likely that such an event would have focused on his unique perspective on the relationship between electricity, sound, and resonance.

Dollard has expressed alternative views on topics such as electromagnetic theory, Tesla coils, and the nature of energy transmission. He has also delved into the connections between electrical phenomena and musical harmonics, suggesting that there may be underlying principles linking the two domains.

Some potential topics that Dollard might have addressed in a presentation on music and harmonics could include:

1. Electromagnetic Resonance and Musical Harmony: Dollard may have explored the concept of resonance in both electrical circuits and musical instruments, drawing parallels between the behavior of electromagnetic waves and the vibrations of musical tones.

2. Tesla’s Musical Resonator: Dollard has researched the work of Nikola Tesla, particularly Tesla’s experiments with mechanical oscillators and musical resonators. He may have discussed Tesla’s attempts to transmit electrical energy wirelessly using harmonic vibrations.

3. Pythagorean Tuning and Musical Scales: Dollard might have delved into the historical development of musical tuning systems, including the Pythagorean tuning system based on simple integer ratios. He may have explored how these tuning systems relate to the principles of harmonics and resonance.

4. Electrical Analogies for Musical Phenomena: Dollard could have presented electrical analogies for musical concepts, such as using the analogy of electrical impedance to explain the behavior of acoustic resonators or comparing the harmonics of a musical instrument to the overtones in an electrical waveform.

Overall, a presentation by Eric P. Dollard on music and harmonics would likely have offered a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the connections between sound, electricity, and resonance, drawing from his background in electrical engineering and his unconventional theories about the nature of energy and vibration.


Eric P. Dollard is a controversial figure known for his unconventional theories in the fields of electrical engineering, physics, and music. While Dollard’s work is not widely accepted within mainstream scientific circles, he has attracted a following among enthusiasts of alternative science and fringe theories.

Dollard has proposed various ideas related to the relationship between music and harmonics, drawing on concepts from Nikola Tesla’s research, classical physics, and esoteric traditions. Some key points related to Dollard’s views on music and harmonics include:

1. Harmonic Resonance: Dollard emphasizes the importance of harmonic resonance in music and sound. He suggests that certain frequencies and harmonics have specific effects on consciousness, energy, and the natural world, influencing human perception and behavior.

2. Aetheric Vibrations: Dollard proposes that music and sound vibrations are manifestations of the Aether, a hypothetical medium that was once believed to permeate all of space. He suggests that music can tap into the subtle energy of the Aether, affecting the flow of energy and information in the universe.

3. Acoustic Geometry: Dollard explores the idea of acoustic geometry, which involves the study of the geometric patterns and structures created by sound vibrations. He suggests that certain musical intervals and harmonics correspond to specific geometric shapes and ratios, reflecting underlying principles of harmony and order in the universe.

4. Musical Composition: Dollard views music composition as a form of harmonic mathematics, in which the relationships between notes, intervals, and frequencies follow precise mathematical patterns. He suggests that understanding these mathematical principles can unlock the secrets of musical harmony and resonance.

5. Electromagnetic Effects: Dollard proposes that music and sound vibrations can produce electromagnetic effects, influencing the behavior of electrical systems and devices. He suggests that certain musical compositions and frequencies may have practical applications in electrical engineering and communication technologies.

Overall, Dollard’s ideas on music and harmonics are highly speculative and controversial, with limited empirical evidence to support his claims. While he has attracted a following among enthusiasts of alternative science and esoteric knowledge, his work is generally viewed with skepticism by mainstream scientists and scholars. It’s important to approach Dollard’s ideas critically and evaluate them based on scientific evidence and rigorous analysis.

2 thoughts on “Eric Dollard On Music and Harmonics – Spokane, WA 2015”

  1. 26:00 into video

    “What are the problems of ‘digital sound’?”

    EPD – “Distortion. It can’t reproduce transients … it’s incapable. … if the slew rate exceeds the stepping rate then the whole thing just glitches on itself and produces a quantizing distortion and spurious signal. That’s why choral music sounds so horrible when it’s digitally reproduced – it just trashes [the sound quality]…”

  2. “What Tesla accomplished is the greatest discovery in mankind. The transmission lines you see everywhere, along the roads in every place you go, these allows us to have a giant drive shaft that we can take rotary motion from like a massive turbine plant and convey it thru an electromagnetic structure that operates with reflected waves and time frames. This work just like a drive shaft, it bounces back and forth, twists, and rotates. But you can stand outside and look at those thick power lines that go down any public street and in the space between those lines, the energy there is the energy of a giant railroad locomotive moving at 95% of the speed of light down the space between those wires, and there is no evidence that anything at all is happening except that the wires are slightly pushed apart and warm. So it’s a type of drive shaft that exists in another dimension. Then you put the synchronous machine on the other end (of that power line) and you couple out of that (electrical) drive shaft like a transmission and you have rotary force again. These things (rotary Tesla generators) are no more than stamped iron in patterns. By making this special arch form and its influences on the formative forces in the Ether …Tesla’s invention is the most powerful arch form the human race has ever conceived.” – Eric P Dollard

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