Hildegard von Bingen – Voice of the Blood



Hildegard von Bingen, a German abbess, mystic, composer, and philosopher of the 12th century, wrote extensively on theological, botanical, and medicinal subjects. One of her notable concepts is that of the “Voice of the Blood” (“Vox Sanguinis” in Latin).

According to Hildegard’s understanding, the “Voice of the Blood” refers to an inner spiritual guidance or intuition that speaks to individuals through their blood. She believed that this inner voice, which she considered divine in origin, could offer insights, warnings, and guidance to those who were receptive to it.

For Hildegard, the “Voice of the Blood” was closely linked to the idea of the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm. In other words, the human body, including its fluids like blood, was seen as a miniature reflection of the larger cosmos. Therefore, listening to the “Voice of the Blood” was akin to attuning oneself to the divine harmony and order of the universe.

Hildegard’s concept of the “Voice of the Blood” underscores her holistic approach to spirituality and health. She believed in the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit, and she advocated for practices that promoted balance and harmony within the individual.

In Hildegard’s writings, particularly in her mystical visions and theological works such as “Scivias” and “Liber Vitae Meritorum,” she elaborates on the importance of listening to the inner voice and heeding its guidance as a means of attaining spiritual enlightenment and well-being. Her teachings continue to inspire individuals interested in spirituality, holistic health, and the integration of mind, body, and spirit.

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