Stultifying Nature of Science – Bosnian Pyramids Irrefutably Upset Ancient History

Stultifying Nature of Science

  1. Bosnian Pyramids: The Bosnian Pyramids refer to a controversial archaeological site located near the town of Visoko in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Discovered in the early 2000s by amateur archaeologist Semir Osmanagić, these pyramid-shaped hills have sparked debate within the archaeological community, with some claiming that they are man-made structures dating back thousands of years, while others argue that they are natural geological formations.

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The concept of the “Bosnian Pyramids” is a controversial topic that has generated significant debate within the fields of archaeology, history, and alternative science. The claims surrounding the Bosnian Pyramids assert that a series of hills near the town of Visoko in Bosnia and Herzegovina are, in fact, ancient pyramidal structures constructed by an advanced civilization thousands of years ago. These claims have been put forth by Semir Osmanagić, a Bosnian businessman and amateur archaeologist, who has been leading excavations and research efforts at the site since 2005.

Proponents of the Bosnian Pyramids theory argue that the structures exhibit geometric and architectural features consistent with man-made pyramids, such as precise angles, symmetry, and stone blocks arranged in a manner suggestive of construction. They claim that carbon dating and geological analyses support the hypothesis that the structures are thousands of years old, predating known civilizations in the region.

However, the majority of mainstream archaeologists, historians, and scientists reject the claims of the Bosnian Pyramids theory, viewing them as pseudoscientific and lacking credible evidence. Skeptics argue that the alleged pyramidal structures are natural geological formations, shaped by erosion, faulting, and other geological processes over millions of years. They criticize the methodology and rigor of the research conducted at the site, citing inconsistencies, misinterpretations, and the absence of peer-reviewed scientific publications supporting the claims.

Despite ongoing excavations and investigations, the debate over the Bosnian Pyramids remains unresolved, with proponents and skeptics continuing to present conflicting interpretations and evidence. While the theory has captured the public imagination and attracted tourists to the region, it has not garnered widespread acceptance within the scientific community.

In conclusion, while the concept of the Bosnian Pyramids has sparked intrigue and speculation, it has not irrefutably upset ancient history. The majority of scholars and experts remain unconvinced by the claims, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking, empirical evidence, and peer-reviewed research in the study of the past.


However, true science is not a democracy or clique — even in the minority of one, verifiable fact is still verifiable fact, and all the lemmings in the world will never change truth, no matter how unknown, how unaccepted.

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