Tubes vs Transistors – Perception of Loudness, Clarity, Distortion, Sound Quality

In general, with other variables held steady, as the power rating goes up dramatically (10x), the perception of loudness only doubles. 3,000 Watts sounds only “four-times louder” than 30 Watts. It seems unlikely, but measurements and anecdotal evidence have consistently shown it is generally true. People often ask, how does the Milbert BaM-235ab compare, in … Read more

The NuTube 6P1

Korg & Noritake introduce Vacuum Fluorescent Display As with previous vacuum tubes, this newly-developed Nutube is structured with an anode, grid, and filament, and operates as a complete triode tube, generating the same rich harmonics that are distinctive of conventional vacuum tubes. By applying technology from Noritake Co., Limited’s vacuum fluorescent displays, the structure of … Read more

Forum response — Re: Do they even make good amps anymore?

We currently offer two models of mobile tube amp — the more expensive BaM235, and the less expensive Liquid. Both are class A input and driver stages, with push-pull, class AB1 output stage. — Milbert, the Most Musical Amplifiers “Continuing engineering” generally seems to try to get more (or at least the same) for less, … Read more