What happens to crystalline structure when you heat-treat a metal lattice?


crystalline structure

Boiling Water with Resonance — Dumas Effect, Peter Davies, George Wiseman, Stanley Meyer


Boiling Water with Resonance

Sound. DNA. Life. Cymatics. The Study No One Talks About


Sound. DNA. Life. Cymatics.

Radiesthesia, Radionics, Psychotronics — EXCELLENT Overview of Principles, Aspects

Radiethesia Principles Overview

Radiesthesia, Radionics, Psychotronics

Force Your Sports Mind Open

Force Your Sports Mind Open

Musical Mathematical Ratios and the Engineering of Consciousness – Alexandre Tannous – Free Your Mind Conference 3 (2015-04)

Musical Mathematical Ratios and the Engineering of Consciousness

Hidden Metaphysics History and Philosophy – Dr Joseph Farrell

Hidden Metaphysics History and Philosophy

Geometry of Consonance – Music and Mathematics


…provides an accessible, multimedia introduction to this new way of thinking about music, in which the audience can both listen to and watch pieces of music as they move along cones, Mobius strips, and other geometric objects. Elementary concepts of music theory can be translated into the language of contemporary geometry. Musical chords live in … Read more