Symphony! The Inheritors Stole The Music! It Was Composed by Giants! — Martin Liedtke — Scores, Instruments, Bridges, Cannonballs, Bells

Something about bells

Inheritors Stole The Music

Heavy Metal Music makes Killer Mice — Music, Mice & Mazes: David Merrell and His Famous Experiment – Shiller Institute

Heavy metal mice 20240603 073452

Heavy Metal Music makes Killer Mice — Music, Mice & Mazes Abstract The three groups of mice were then run through a fixed maze over four weeks. As time progressed, the mice either got faster or slower. “But the interesting thing about the first year I did this project,” David said, “is that I actually … Read more

Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

Dall·e 2024 06 11 04.10.01 a mystical and serene depiction of the concept forgotten in time the ancient solfeggio frequencies. the scene features an ancient temple or sacred

Forgotten in Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies – “Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies” is a title often associated with a concept in alternative healing and esoteric spirituality. It refers to the idea that certain specific sound frequencies, known as the Solfeggio frequencies, have ancient origins and possess healing properties.