Vibration as Control Mechanism     Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) is a controversial concept that refers to the purported ability to remotely monitor and manipulate the neural activity of individuals using advanced technology, typically without their consent or awareness. Proponents of RNM often claim that it involves the use of sophisticated surveillance techniques, such as satellite-based systems or … Read more

Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds – Ancient Sounds that Advanced your Consciousness

Develop Psychic and Spiritual Gifts through Sounds – Learn secrets of how sound was mysteriously used for powerful benefits and psychic development in ancient Egypt, China and with the Tibetan monks! Discover how to use sound/music for enlightenment, improving conscious and practical uses. Learn Musical Secrets from deep in the pyramids, Hermetic magic, Pythagoras and … Read more

Bodily maps of emotions

“Bodily maps of emotions” refers to a concept proposed by a team of scientists led by neuroscientist Dr. Lauri Nummenmaa and psychologist Dr. Riitta Hari. Their research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) in 2013, sought to investigate how emotions are experienced and represented in the human body. The researchers … Read more

Neil Sanders – Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own on Veritas     Neil Sanders is a British author, researcher, and lecturer known for his work on topics related to mind control, mass manipulation, and the influence of media and propaganda on public consciousness. In his book “Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own,” Sanders explores the pervasive influence of psychological operations (psyops), propaganda, and social … Read more