I have found a way to see spirit I have found the missing energy inside a magnetic field Marko Rodin

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I have found a way to see spirit I have found the missing energy inside a magnetic field Marko Rodin

Radiesthesia, Radionics, Psychotronics — EXCELLENT Overview of Principles, Aspects

Radiethesia principles overview

Radiesthesia, Radionics, Psychotronics

Force Your Sports Mind Open

Force Your Sports Mind Open

BioGeometry Relationship Between Shape and Energy


BioGeometry Relationship Between Shape and Energy – Developed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim, BioGeometry suggests that certain geometric shapes and patterns possess inherent energetic qualities that can interact with the energy fields of living organisms, including humans, animals, and plants.

The Bible, Numbers 7:12-89, and the Solfege Scale

Bible solfeggio soundqualityorg

The Bible, Numbers 7:12-89, and the Solfege Scale Abstract Dr Joseph Puleo discovered a pattern of six repeating codes he claimed he had uncovered within the bible. These he believed were encoded,appropriately enough,into the Book of Numbers, chapter 7,in verses 12 through 83. When he deciphered these verses reducing the verse numbers to their single … Read more