Hardy Boys Figured Out “HAVANA SYNDROME” In Feb 1978 …and explained it in 3 sentences

From 7:50 in — “We put a hidden camera in our room last night to find out what was going on.  That machine sends out microwaves of radiation.  That’s what they were doing: Slowly poisoning the ambassador while he slept…”   Probably that it appears in-script and on-screen indicates insider and/or foreknowledge…as in, the killer … Read more

Exposure to microwave radiation from cellphones, wifi and cordless devices cause red blood cells to stack like Pringles or Oreo cookies in “Rouleaux” formation; stacked blood cells reduce capillary blood flow, may clot and cause systemic pain from lowered oxygen and waste buildup

https://www.bitchute.com/video/WDfma73jnG60/   The first part of this short video shows red blood cells that have been stacked in Rouleaux formation due to environmental “esmog” exposure to the nearly omnipresent microwave radiation from cellphones, wifi and cordless devices. The second half of this short video shows red blood cells from the same person after enjoying ten … Read more