Predictively-Programming the masses — Flight 911 nearly crashes into WTC skyscraper in 1970s science series — “Trigger Effect” James Burke’s CONNECTIONS series, season 1, episode 1

Flight 911 nearly crashes into WTC skyscraper in 1970s science series

Even after you see it, you can hardly believe it, especially “Captain Lostit” mentioned at 17:25

The spiderweb, so pervasive.

Flight 911 nearly crashes into WTC skyscraper in 1970s science series
Flight 911 nearly crashes into WTC skyscraper in 1970s science series
Flight 911 nearly crashes into WTC skyscraper in 1970s science series



“Trigger Effect” is the first episode of the television documentary series “Connections” created, written, and presented by science historian James Burke. The series originally aired in 1978 and has since become a classic in the genre of science and history documentaries. “Connections” explores the interplay of technological, scientific, and social innovations throughout history, demonstrating how seemingly unrelated events and discoveries can have profound and unexpected consequences.

In “Trigger Effect,” James Burke explores the interconnectedness of historical events and the ripple effects that occur when one innovation or discovery triggers a chain reaction of developments. The episode examines various case studies and historical examples to illustrate this concept, ranging from the invention of the plow and its impact on agricultural societies to the role of the printing press in fueling the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution.

Throughout the episode, Burke delves into the complex web of relationships between seemingly disparate events, demonstrating how advancements in one field can catalyze progress and change across multiple domains. He highlights the role of chance, serendipity, and unintended consequences in shaping history, emphasizing the importance of understanding the broader context and connections between past and present developments.

“Trigger Effect” sets the tone for the rest of the “Connections” series, which spans multiple episodes and explores themes such as innovation, communication, technology, and societal change. Through engaging storytelling, historical reenactments, and thought-provoking analysis, James Burke invites viewers to reconsider their assumptions about the nature of progress and the interconnectedness of human civilization. The series remains a beloved and influential work in the realm of popular science and has inspired subsequent generations of viewers to explore the fascinating intersections of history, science, and technology.

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