Coherent Mass Human Attention Reduces Randomness – Measuring the Emotional – Princeton Noosphere Project

Coherent Mass Human Attention Reduces Randomness

The term “Princeton Noosphere Project” likely refers to the work conducted by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory, which was part of Princeton University. While the term “noosphere” itself wasn’t explicitly used by PEAR in the names of their projects, the concept of the noosphere is closely related to the types of phenomena PEAR investigated. The noosphere, a term derived from the Greek word “nous” for “mind” and “sphaira” for “sphere,” was coined by scientists Édouard Le Roy, Teilhard de Chardin [Jesuit/SJ], and Vladimir Vernadsky. It refers to the sphere of human thought and consciousness as a part of the Earth’s biosphere, suggesting that the human mind and collective consciousness can influence the physical world.

Overview of PEAR

The PEAR laboratory, which operated from 1979 to 2007, aimed to study the interactions of human consciousness with physical devices, environments, and processes, and was founded by Robert Jahn, an aerospace engineering professor at Princeton University. One of the main focuses of PEAR was on mind-machine interaction, examining whether human intention could influence the output of random event generators (REGs) and other electronic devices.

Relation to the Noosphere Concept

The work of PEAR can be seen as related to the concept of the noosphere in that both involve the idea that human consciousness is not isolated or contained solely within the individual but is instead part of a larger, interconnected field that can interact with and influence the physical world. The experiments at PEAR sought to provide empirical evidence for such interactions, which, if proven, could suggest the existence of a noosphere-like field of consciousness.

Criticism and Legacy

The PEAR laboratory’s work was controversial and received criticism from the scientific community for its methodology and interpretations of results. Critics argued that the experiments did not meet the standards of scientific rigor and that the observed effects, while statistically significant, were too small to be of practical consequence or definitive proof of mind-matter interaction.

Despite the closure of PEAR, its legacy continues through various organizations and researchers interested in the study of consciousness and its potential effects on the physical world. The Global Consciousness Project (GCP), for example, is an initiative that directly descended from PEAR’s work, aiming to detect possible interactions of global events with the output of REGs distributed around the world, which some interpret as a modern exploration of the noosphere concept.

In summary, while the “Princeton Noosphere Project” is not an official title of any program at Princeton University, the research conducted by the PEAR laboratory aligns with the interests and ideas encapsulated by the noosphere concept, exploring the boundaries between consciousness, intention, and the physical world.

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