Millimeter Wave Beamforming Tracks Phones

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Millimeter Wave Beamforming Tracks Phones – “[The 5G cell towers are] basically irradiating an area that’s the size of a room with a spotlight effect [of microwave radiation].”

Light is Weird — on nature’s reality


Light is Weird

Electromagnetic Frequency Patterns that are Crucial for Health and Disease reveal a Generalized Biophysical Principle: the GM scale

Electrosmog towers

Electromagnetic Frequency Patterns that are Crucial for Health and Disease

Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Blood Brain and Biology

Emf blood

Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Blood Brain and Biology

The REAL 1800’s Inventor of Vibrational Energy Machine – DISINTEGRATES STONE ~ John Worrel Keely


John Worrel Keely

Hanoi Incident — What if you put your hand in a particle accelerator?

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Hanoi Incident — What if you put your hand in a particle accelerator?

This is what EMR and EMF are doing to your blood right now and what you can do about it


what EMR and EMF are doing to your blood right now