Sonic Levity – Acoustic Levitation Technique — Is an Oscillating-Vibrating Mass Easier to Lift?
Sonic Levity – Acoustic levitation technique in the ancient world.
goodness comes to those who vibrate
Sonic Levity – Acoustic levitation technique in the ancient world.
Searching for the Perfect Wave — biological effect of RF electromagnetic fields.
BrainMap Mind Control MKULTRA Touchless Torture Target Humanity James W Lee docu Pulling from widely disparate sources over decades of time, this documentary interviews and summarizes the general subject of body and “mind control” — or cognitive and biological effects caused by external forces, including microwave and other electromagnetic RF radiations, broadband, beamed/directional, interference. Examination … Read more
Radiesthesia, Radionics, Psychotronics
Pyramids as Power Plants
Hidden Metaphysics History and Philosophy
Non-linear history of radio – touches briefly on just some of the main stories, and provides pointers to the literature.