Sonic Levity – Acoustic Levitation Technique — Is an Oscillating-Vibrating Mass Easier to Lift?

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Sonic Levity – Acoustic levitation technique in the ancient world.

Being real — When 50 bars of “drum solo” is 52 bars too many — The full-stymie of musical groove following inevitable devolution into full-swing drum-batting, or: Anti-Musical Foiblishness — Is it kind of like rock-climbing with farm equipment?

full swing batter

Anti-Musical Foiblishness

Roots of Antinomian Music, Unspun 132, Jan Irvin, Dr Hans Utter – Sex, Self, Cybernetics — MKULTRA Intel community BRAIN database, compiled over years, extensive, deep

antinomian music

Roots of Antinomian Music

Modes of Music Matter – Tone and Resonance as Method of Social Control and much more

Modes of Music Matter – Tone and Resonance as Method of Social Control and much more

Esoteric Nature of Music (1977 VHS)

Musical Mood Wheel

Esoteric Nature of Music

TOP 10 SONIC TORTURE SONGS FROM GITMO — Psychosonic Drugs – Psychosonic Attacks – Weaponizing Lady GaGa (or any artist / MP3)


Alan Watt on The Music Industry

Alan Watt on The Music Industry

Superior time perception for lower musical pitch explains why bass-ranged instruments lay down musical rhythms


Michael J. Hove, Céline Marie, Ian C. Bruce, and Laurel J. Trainor PNAS 2014 ; published ahead of print June 30, 2014,   The statement you provided suggests that there may be a relationship between the perception of time and musical pitch, particularly in the context of rhythm perception and bass-ranged instruments. Here’s an … Read more

What Music Do Animals Like?

What Music Do Animals Like? Research published today by the American Psychological Association has shown that chimpanzees prefer listening to West African akan and North Indian raga over listening to silence. What does this say about the evolutionary purpose of music? Previous work by McDermott and Hauser showed that when tamarins and marmosets were given … Read more

Jojo Mayer – Exploring the distance between 0 and 1

Jojo Mayer gives brief synopsis on the emergence of rhythm culture and its relationship to technology and communication in the western world. In regards to this, he shares his thoughts on interacting with digital culture and cross examines…   Jojo Mayer, a renowned drummer and music educator, has often discussed the emergence of rhythm … Read more