Giza Pyramid GPS equals Speed of Light to 9 digits
Giza Pyramid GPS equals Speed of Light to 9 digits
Fibrous magnetic fields
Fibrous magnetic fields
The indefatigable Preston Nichols explains what not long ago was the next step in digital sound on this planet
Next Step in Digital Sound on this Planet
Mainstream explanation of History of Power Grid 60 Hz vs 50 Hz 110 VAC vs 220 VAC
Mainstream explanation of History of Power Grid 60 Hz vs 50 Hz 110 VAC vs 220 VAC
Excellent video about the Cardioid Curve Tesla Rodin Vortex Math and Nature
Excellent video about the Cardioid Curve Tesla Rodin Vortex Math and Nature
Why words matter Words set intention – Origin of Language & Symbol as Pure Vortex Implosion Geometry Embedded & Entangled with Dan Winter
Why words matter Words set intention
Listen to the wrong kind of music in the wrong kind of light … Get cancer
Listen to the wrong kind of music in the wrong kind of light
Vibration as Control Mechanism
Vibration as Control Mechanism – Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) is a controversial concept that refers to the purported ability to remotely monitor and manipulate the neural activity of individuals using advanced technology, typically without their consent or awareness
160000 watts of RUSH — How loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!
160000 watts of RUSH — how loud is that, really? Turns out, only about 8 times louder than a 300 watt amp! And only about 16 times louder than a 30 watt amp!
Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity – Eric Dollard
Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity Abstract “Originally, mankind was on a path that is in alignment with the harmonic natural laws of the universe. This was from the time of Pythagoreas up to Johann Sebastian Bach. Then, the big shift came. This divergence basically turned everything inside out. All of … Read more
Truth About Magnetism – Ken Wheeler, Angry Photographer, Theoria Apophosis
Truth About Magnetism
Colored Shadows Sensory Perception GOETHE
Colored Shadows Sensory Perception GOETHE
Power of Aether in Music and Electricity – Eric Dollard
Power of Aether in Music and Electricity
Hidden Metaphysics History and Philosophy – Dr Joseph Farrell
Hidden Metaphysics History and Philosophy
Water – The Leidenfrost Maze
Leidenfrost Maze
Three-Dimensional Mid-Air Acoustic Manipulation – Acoustic Levitation
Three-Dimensional Mid-Air Acoustic Manipulation – Acoustic Levitation
Fractal Metamaterial Antennas and Resistance to New Ideas – Nathan Cohen
Fractal Metamaterial Antennas and Resistance to New Ideas
Your Brain on Music
Your Brain on Music
Music and the Power of Sound: The Influence of Tuning and Interval on Consciousness
Influence of Tuning and Interval on Consciousness
Understanding the Different Types of Acoustical Treatments – Absorption
Understanding the Different Types of Acoustical Treatments