John Mayer 14 Dumble Amps
John Mayer 14 Dumble Amps
goodness comes to those who vibrate
John Mayer 14 Dumble Amps
Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity Abstract “Originally, mankind was on a path that is in alignment with the harmonic natural laws of the universe. This was from the time of Pythagoreas up to Johann Sebastian Bach. Then, the big shift came. This divergence basically turned everything inside out. All of … Read more
Do they even make good amps anymore
Early Radio History and the Commodification of Music
Reactive Loading and Amplifier Distortion
Tonewood and resonant frequency myths debunked
Tonewood Does it make a difference in Electric Guitars
Do Semiconductors Inherently Digitize Sound? A compounding quantization due to meager junction effects at crystalline lattice boundaries.