The Human Diet 2020, Scripture, Spirit

lymph   === The Essenes were an ancient Jewish sect that existed around the time of Jesus Christ, though there is some debate among scholars about their precise beliefs and practices. Here’s a brief overview: 1. **Essenes Gospel**: The term “Essenes Gospel” is not commonly used in scholarly discussions. It’s possible that you’re referring to … Read more

Myth of Invariance – Origin of Gods, Math, Music from Veda to Plato

“The Myth of Invariance: Origin of Gods, Math, Music from Veda to Plato” is a concept that delves into the interconnectedness of mythology, mathematics, and music across different cultures and civilizations, from ancient Vedic traditions to the philosophy of Plato and beyond. Here’s an overview of some key aspects of this concept: 1. **Mythology and … Read more