TOP 10 SONIC TORTURE SONGS FROM GITMO — Psychosonic Drugs – Psychosonic Attacks – Weaponizing Lady GaGa (or any artist / MP3)
From perception to pleasure: Music and its neural substrates
Music and its neural substrates
Music Mind Control Psychobiology pt 5 – Dr Hans Utter Interview – #236 Gnostic Media
Music Mind Control Psychobiology pt 5
Science and the Taboo of Psi Dean Radin
Science and the Taboo of Psi
Heavy Metal Music makes Killer Mice — Music, Mice & Mazes: David Merrell and His Famous Experiment – Shiller Institute
Heavy Metal Music makes Killer Mice — Music, Mice & Mazes
MORPHIC RESONANCE Theory – Musical Ability Shared Amongst Like-minded, Like-bodied, Like-DNA Animals
Listening to Religious Music and Mental Health in Later Life
Listening to Religious Music and Mental Health in Later Life
Long term music training tunes how the brain temporally binds signals from multiple senses
Long term music training tunes how the brain temporally binds signals from multiple senses
TED Neuroscience Playlist Human Hacking Neurosci and Magic
TED Neuroscience Playlist Human Hacking Neurosci and Magic
God Helmet – Mind Booster of the Paranormal, Michael Persinger, Laurentian Univ
…reportedly results in the wearer experiencing hallucinations and other similar cognitive responses that, according to Persinger, manifested as visions of God or of being in the presence of God, among other things. If you’re unfamiliar, the God Helmet is a contraption – a helmet, obviously – that facilitates the transmission of low-frequency electromagnetic waves into … Read more
Big Bang, the Big Bluff – Prof Konstantin Meyl
The Big Bang is alleged to be the starting point of our universe. This theory, originally proposed by a Jesuit astronomer, is based on the Doppler Effect. All galaxies except our own, the Milk Way, are through our telescopes observed with a “redshift”, which made some physicists conclude that all other galaxies are moving away … Read more
The Supernatural Power of Music – Eric P. Dollard Eric P. Dollard is a controversial figure known for his unconventional theories in the fields of electrical engineering and physics. He has made various claims about the nature of electricity, electromagnetic phenomena, and the properties of music. However, it’s important to note that Dollard’s ideas are not widely accepted by mainstream scientists … Read more
Healing with Sound Secret Sounds Ancient Sounds that Advance Consciousness
Healing with Sound Secret Sounds Ancient Sounds that Advance Consciousness